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Eve woke up in a room, familiar yet unknown to her at the same time. She was...alone; unable to recall how or why she found herself there. As she managed to pull herself up through the barricade of rubbish and debris, Eve proceeded to scan the tattered area - it was a bedroom, her bedroom. However her mind began to wonder, what if these were her last moments? What if she was already in the afterlife? What if she could protect herself from the upcoming danger? What if—

Panicking, Eve attempted to shatter the murky windows; somehow withstanding her desperate efforts to escape so she turned to her last chance she thought she had to survive.. She shrieked, "Mum, Dad!!" hoping they'd come to her rescue. In the far distance, Eve could make out faint footsteps, gradually getting louder and louder - closer and closer until.. Two figures stood at the threshold of Eve's room, beckoning her to follow them into the vast emptiness. As she slowly lifted her heavy head to what she assumed would be her parents, she witnessed something no child should be an observer of...

They were faceless.

Eve ran; faster than she had ever done before. She broke through the wall those creatures had created and locked herself into the nearest vacant room - the guest room, hoping and praying that they couldn't reach her. Amongst the shattered glass and shredded bedsheets was a note that read "We're sorry, we cannot protect you any longer". Her heart began to race, sweat was dripping down to the piece of paper. All hope we lost, and she knew... She knew her time had come.

The door creaked open, welcoming the beasts to take Eve away. In a frantic attempt to delay her inevitable death, she began hurling shards of glass, pillows anything she could possibly use as a weapon to defend herself but her efforts were futile. As she grabbed a piece of a destroyed mirror in her hands desperately trying to prevent these creatures from nearing her, Eve caught a glance of her reflection.

She was faceless too.

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