Look What You Made Me Do!

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Sakura's P.O.V

Looking Back on my mistakes in life, I have to say, I only have one I'm grateful for. And what is it you ask? Oh believe me, I will happily tell you though it's a typical story. You see it started before everything happened..

~A few Months ago~

You know, as a little girl I always imagined high school being better than this. I thought I'd be the prettiest and most popular girl, well I was way wrong. I am what everyone called a nerd, but fuck them. At least I'm not a slut, unlike most of the girls here. I get straight A's, and I know I'll graduate. But that's not the point, not at the moment anyways. Currently I was walking towards my locker to put my things away, then I had to meet my friends at lunch. As I reached my locker, I threw my shit in it and shut it. Locking it, I turned around made my way to the lunch room. As I passed the English room, i heard something that changed everything. I stopped, listening into their conversation.

"Guys, we need to seriously talk about Sakura.." said Naruto

"Yeah, when are we gonna finally ditch that annoying bitch?" said a very annoyed Ino

"I have to say, she is ruining our image guys.." sighed Sasuke

"I agree, we only pretended to be her friend cause we felt bad.." Growled Neji, Tenteh and Lee nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, and see badly that backfired on us..?" asked Gaara

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! To say I was angry was an understatement, I was livid. Seeing as how it's the last day, why not go out with a bang, eh? I slammed the door open, and stomped into the room.

"S-sakura-chan?! What are you-" I cut Naruto off with a glare, causing him to gulp. I looked at all of them with hatred.

"Well, well,well...good thing I happened to walk by and hear what you all said. I can't believe how pathetic you all are. All I have to say now, is Fuck all of you and go rot in hell! Next time you see me, I will show you the real me..." I say with a growl and exit the room. Leaving them in shock.

~Back to now~

I'm finally in collage, I graduated high school last year.Though I'm glad I have my friends, my real friends. I sigh looking over at the picture on my desk, laughing a bit. It was of my sister Konan,Me, my boyfriend Pein and Konan's boyfriend Yahiko. I find it funny how Konan first introduced me to Pein and her boyfriend.


I slammed the front door of my house open, walked in then slammed it closed behind me. I heard what sounded like talking and walked into the kitchen. I saw my sister and two other guys.One guy with orange spiky hair, purple ringed eyes, and many piercings. The other had the same orange hair, but no piercings and the same purple eyes. 'I guess they're twins..' I thought. It seemed they noticed me, because they turned towards me.

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