A Dark and Magical night at Hogwarts

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It was a dark and stormy night at Hogwarts school of wizardry. All the students and faculty were fast asleep in their dormitories, except for Harry Potter. He decided to sit in the library and think about his life problems. Like how his parents were really dead and not coming back, also how he had lost his godfather Sirius Black and Hedwig. Not to mention that so many people other than family had died for him. He had been through a lot and just wanted some time alone without being pestered by people asking him how he was going to defeat "the Dark Lord".

It was about twelve and Harry could hear the faint sound of the big clock chiming. The ringing of the clock coincided with the sound of the thunder, it made Harry feel slightly calmer. The calmness the Harry had partially surrcomed to quickly died off as he heard a pile of books fall of a table close to him. You would think, by now, nothing could phase " The Great Chosen One" Harry Potter,but I guess that falling books could still give him a fright.

A figure lurked within the shadows around where the books had fallen. It was hard to make out the face of 'the figure'. Harry stared at the figure-he has seen a lot of things-trying to guess what exactly "it" was. He slowly lit one of the oil lamps to bring a little illumination into the darkness of the room. When he illuminated the area by where the fallen books were and where the mysterious figure was standing. he came to see when he illuminated the dark area that the figure was a person and not just any person...

Draco Malfoy stood there, over the fallen books. His cold eyes staring at Harry,staring into his soul. His boyishly cut blonde hair perfect as ever. He just stood there in his pajamas, staring at Harry, not saying a word. Harry stared back at him slightly weirded out and puzzled. He, then, stood up and spoke.

"You know it's not funny to scare someone when they're alone in a dark library during a thunderstorm." Said Harry.

Draco said nothing in response.

" What are you doing in here, spying on me?

Well if you are, I don't really care..."

still nothing.

" Why don't you run back to your father and leave me alone."

Draco began to move slightly forward around the table in front of him, towards Harry. Harry really didn't notice that Draco was getting closer and closer to him.He continued to ramble on.

"So are you going to answer my question: are you spying on me or not?'

"Are you even going to say anything?"

Draco said nothing. He was now only a few inches away from Harry.

Harry became slightly terrified with all the silence, and Malfoy moving closer to him.

He began to step backwards, backing into one of the large bookshelves.

Draco still moved closer.

He became so close, Harry could feel the coldness radiating off him. Draco put one hand on the book self behind Harry and the other on Harry's face.

" You want an answer Potter?" He finally said.

Harry nodded.

"Fine ill give you an answer." Draco then moved his face closer to Harry's.

Their lips slightly brushed.

It startled Harry at first, thinking that this was all a big joke or that he was just dreaming. He closed his eyes and tried to decipher if this was actually a dream or if this was really reality.

"You don't mind me slythering in do you Potter?" Draco said as he gradually slid his tongue into Harry's mouth.

This made Harry feel two things: one, weirded out, and two, slightly turned on. Not really thinking, Harry just, sort of went with it. Draco began to back off a little bit and pull away, but Harry grabbed his face and full on kissed him straight on. Their tongues twisted and knotted between the two mouths.

Harry wrapped his arms up around Draco's neck. the kiss deepend. Draco pressed against Harry as he was being pulled in.

Harry pushed Draco back so he could breath for a moment.

"I never knew you felt 'this' way about me potter, I mean I thought you would push me away or punch me and think it was gross, but kissing me back and pulling me close-"

Hearing this made Harry a little mad.

"Would you just shut your mouth for once Malfoy... and Kiss me?" said Harry as he pulled Draco towards him. The 'deep' kissing started up again. A weird feeling came from the lower part of Harry's body. It was a warm sensation and it made Harry slightly blush. He could tell that Draco felt it too but didn't really think anything of it.

Draco pulled Harry away from the bookcase and guided him over to a sofa, mouths still locked together in a sweet kiss. Harry falls backward and lands on the the sofa. They broke apart for a short moment. Draco stood over Harry, staring with a cold gaze. Harry looked up at him, his head was all dizzy, his mouth numb, and his body all warm. He attempted to catch his breath.

Draco leaned down on to Harry and slowly slid his tongue in to his mouth. Then he moved one of his hands up the front of Harry's shirt. Harry shuddered from the coldness of Draco's hand.

"It's so cold" said Harry

"Well I guess have to warm me up with your heat." responded Draco.

The kissing began and it was deeper than before. Both their tongues twisting and tying. Harry reached his arms up around Draco pulling him closer, deepening the kiss even more.

One of the library doors creaked and startled both boys." Well looks like are fun is over." Draco whispered against Harry's lips. He then lifted himself up off Harry and began to turn and walk away.

"Is that it then?". said Harry slightly puzzled.

"Let's just say, that this is it for now, but it is far from over." responded Draco as he turned around and disappeared back into the darkness.

((A/N) okay so yeah this is it. I guess people really want me to write more on this. So, i came up with the idea to write another story that actually goes with this one.Yerp so for those of you who want more just check out my other drarry fanfic called 'ten years later' . check it out if you want. Anyhow, i think thats it for now. Thank you for reading. Xxoo Killjoy Princess)

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