I first started painting with water colours when I was in grade five. I was in my art class at elementary school. To be honest, I didn't like going there. So everybody was doing great. Everyone was painting flowers while I painted.... Rainbow dash from my little pony (I don't watch it anymore) but I kept redoing it cause it wasn't coming out well. And i was very emotional wad would cry alot about small things for example, work. I would show it to y'all but I have no idea where this painting is. So I gave the stupid painting the way it was. Hated it then, and hate it today.
In grade six, i started painting with water colours more. And I got a little better I guess? But i didnt use water colour paper so my paintings would look like this.
Oh wait, this is water colour paper NYENENENENNENEH sry but i would mostly just paint on normal paper. This was my style back in grade six. Ugly ain't it? Heh
Then back in grade 8, i was actually strong enough to get my ads up and buy some water colour paper! So my paintings began looking like thisEEeeeeee kinda messy. But then i was improving and improving and it turned into This!
I love this one tbh aaaaaaaa so this is where I'll be showing you my art n stuff and what ive been working on lately but where i am right now is 8:52 PM and I don't want to right now I'll do it tomorrow probably so see you then!
Edit: autocorrect is a pain in the ass
Randomjello there here im going to be showing you my paintings, drawings, stuff like that. I mostly do water colour paintings sometimes oil paint but I don't like it uhh anyways enjoy?