What Had He Done

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He sat there listening
To the cries of his son
Was he watching two
Or was there only one

He was angry and fuzzy
All up in his head
When was the last time
He crawled into bed

He pulled his head up
And rolled it around
When he noticed something
Curled up on the ground

How long had he been out
What time was it now
He missed work again 
She'll have a cow

He covered his son
Who was crashed on the floor
Now wasn't he watching
Maybe one more

Where was the other
What had he done
When he sucked up the smoke
He remembers the one

His eyes are all hooded 
He can smell his is on sweat
He wondered where she was
Hangin with friends was his bet

His hands gripped for something
To help him along
The sounds he was hearing
Began to sound wrong

The cries weren't so loud
They were almost none
Where was that child
What had he done

He started to get 
A huge reality check
Where was his baby
The house was a wreck

He glanced at the pile
That lay on the ground
And sitting amongst it
Was babe safe and sound

His chubby little hands
Reached out to this guy
The boys love he felt
Brought a real tear to his eye

The baby stopped crying
His face streaked with dirt
He ran him a bath
And put on a clean shirt

The baby clung tight
To the sweaty neck of his dad
As they fixed up a meal
The first they had had

The dad held his son 
Like he would float away
Because of the thought
That he lost him that day 

He woke up his oldest
And they started to clean
The older boy asked
If dad was still mean

The daddy looked lost
Trying to remember his week
Time gets away 
When you're doing the tweek

He couldn't remember 
Til his son took his face
And began the story
Of putting mom In her place

What do u mean son
Daddy replied 
You yelled and you hit
And my mommy died

The dad sprang to his feet
He screamed to the sky
Get this devil out
I didn't want her to die

My family is ruined
I don't want to be here 
The beast that's inside me
Is something to fear

He walked thru the house
Not daring to look
Needing Some  courage
He picked The Good Book

He carried it with him
As he searched for his wife
He couldn't believe he had
Taken her life 

He saw her at once
Piled next to the bed
She was bruised and all bloody
A bump on her head

He saw she was breathing
And sat down to cry
She rolled to her side 
And opened one eye 

He gathered her up
She's so frail and weak 
He promised this time
To get off the tweek 

He came close to nothing
That day he awoke
To think he had lost them
Made him stutter and choke 

His family was his
Its his job the be there
Not nodding away in a big easy chair

Today is a new day
For the addicted man
His family comes first
The pipes thrown in the can

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