p r o l u g e

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p r o l u g e

"Ugh, how many more boxes?" I questioned my mom, exhausted from unloading into our new home. Today, December 29th, my family and I recently moved into our new home.

"Just about two more sweety, just tell your brother to get it" Relieved, I slumped into the new furniture, right in front of the television. Seeing as I am too tired to cope any longer, mother went to call on Jeremy and my dad.

"Hey, get the door for me huh?" Jeremy called out. Alarmed, I jumped up,"Oh no you don't!" grabbing my box, I speed walked to find the biggest room.Once satisfied, I made my way back to oblige at his command. Finding that he already made his way in, I finished taking my boxes into my new room. The only way I could tell if it was my room was because of the lighting, space, and closet capacity.

Moving into a new home seemed pointless to me, it was just a little bigger than our older one but farther from school, which means I now have to get up atleast an hour early in order to make it on my fashionably early timing. Alreading unpacking my boxes, I peek to my side noticing a young man around my age glaring into my window. Assuming he noticed me lost for words, he sent a charming smirk my way. Smiling mysellf, I resume back to my unpacking.

"Saff, could you maybe come and get that phone of yours? It keeps gooing off" Jer stepped in, "Yeah, sorry". Stepping out, I walked over to my phone, seeing it was my bestfriend Olivia, I smiled reading her messages.

"Saff sweety, would you mind stopping by the market and getting me a couple of things" I mentally screamed, but sighing, I agreed,"Yeah, sure mom"

"Oh! And I beg that you don't forget my buscuits or my tea darling" Did I mention she's from Paris?

"Yes mum!" I mockingly mimicked her fluent accent. Opening the door, I'm alarmed to meet the serious face of my neighboor who was once eyeing me a minute ago. Nearly gasping for air, I take a step back.

"Oh my, did I startle you?" He asks calmly, flashing that same smirk.

"Yeah, I just-" Stopping mid-sentence I am lost for words

"May I come in?" He asks, holding up a rasperry cheesecake. Nodding, I step out of his way, letting him walk into the family room.

"Saff, who is this darling?" My dad walked into the room, smiling at the rather..strange boy.

"Hello, my mother sent me to deliver this to you all-" He raised the cake and place it into my mothers palms,"As a little welcome to the neighborhood offering"

"Thank you so much" Mother flashed her famous smile and reverted back into the kitchen.

"Well, it was nice meeting you sir, but I 'ought to get back" Shaking hands, the boy makes his way to the door and lets himself out, right after me. Making it to the car, I hear him call out,"Hey, what's your name?"

"Nina, Nina Cunningham" I reply swiftly and he smiles,"Nice to meet you Nina" Giving him a warm smile, I step into my car. The ride to the market is fairly quiet, despite my constant temptation not to answer the text from Olivia until I stop at the market. Onc thinking that, boom, like majic I appeared in front of the store. Finally grasping my phone, I started typing away.

Will you atleast take a little trip around the place, you don't have to stay?, Olivia's message read. There was a party tonight at 8, but I was not sure if I were in the mood for any drinking tonight, but a little vistit will not hurt.

Okay! I'll go, now quit asking.. I will drop my car at your place, so my mom will not suspect anything., Locking my phone, I make my way into the market, picking up everything of my mothers' needs. Picking my girl needs, I suspect I'm done until I think of Jeremy and my dad. I pick up their Cheeto Puffs, beer for my dad, and lots of unhealthy soda for Jer. At the register, I swipe my card and unload the bags into the backseat of my car. Driving off, I see the familiar face of my new neighbor, seeing it as a coincidence, I wave and keep driving. I think I can start to like him.

Finally home, I grab my personal back and run up to my room to lay it on my bed, rushing back down, I take the rest of the bags out. I consider it quite embarrasing for any male to know of a womans menstraul business, so I keep it myself. Once I'm finished, I get my phone and lock my car. To only head back inside and help my mother out with saving the snacks and drinks, preparing food, and taking out a bit of my nightwear and daywear, good enough to have clothes unpacked for a weeks worth. I start the shower, letting it heat up a bit, I take out my clothes for tonight. I good pair of skinny black jeans, a white v-neck, and my pair of Timbs, considering I didn't scuff my Doc Martins yet. I slip my clothes off and step into the shower letting the warm soothing water hit me.

After a good thirty minutes of scrubbing and shampooing, I step out and get dressed. Once I'm at least decent, I open my curtains and meet the face, yet again, of my charming neighbor who seems to be rocking out. I smile and turn away, not to look like a creep, and slip my socks and Timbs on. Stepping back into the bathroom, I start to brush my teeth, moisturize my face, then start to apply my makeup. I start by putting my foundation and then putting a little blush, after I did that, I applied my mascara and eyeliner. Blowdrying and straightening my hair, I slip my fitted, Ain't No Wifey, red beanie on. I grab my packed back for one night, my keys, and phone. Stepping out and grabbing a sweater, I shout to my mother,"I'm going Liv's for tonight! Bye!"

"Okay, be safe sweety!" She yelled back and I was soon to hear a smart remark from Jer.

"Won't miss you!" Closing the door shut, I let out a sigh. I can not wait to see what tonight has in store for me.


I think that's all I can think if saying about me for now, but I need you guys to please point out any misspells and such, wrong grammar, anything.

Thank you for reading and taking a bit of your time TO read something of mine, it means more than you think!

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