I'm A What?

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        It all started on the day of Halloween, 2019 when Stevie didn't come home after school to celebrate her 16th birthday. Laurie, her older sister didn't worry as much, because she thought maybe, just maybe, she went somewhere with her friends to celebrate. 

Maybe, she should've worried, because by 8 p.m. her sister still didn't come home. Realizing that her sister hasn't made her way home; she started calling her sisters friends.

First she called her sisters best friend Lizzie. As the phone rang, Laurie started to get more worried, and the worst case scenarios started to pop up in her head, making her start to tear up. Finally, after the tenth ring, Lizzie answered the phone.

"Hello, Stevie is that you?"

"Lizzie it's me, Laurie, so Stevie isn't with you; when is the last time you saw her?"

"After school, we went to the mall to pick up our Halloween costume for Rebecca Ann Turner's yacht party, but as soon as we went in the dressing rooms she disappeared; I thought she was playing a trick on me, I have been waiting up on her."

"Lizzie, who else was with you?"

"It was all us girls, me, Stevie, Reba, Ally, and Sam; we all thought she was pulling one of her pranks, like last year, they are all here; we had planned to meet at my house and dress up together."

"Thank you Lizzie, I'm going to the police, if you hear from her call me right away, OK."

"I will do that."

Once they hung up with one another, Laurie grabbed her wallet and car keys and went to her car. As she sat and waited for the garage door to open she started to tear up, because her little sister could be anywhere, and she has no way of finding out if she is fine or not.

Once the door opened a shadowy figure stood behind her, right then and there her worry turned into fear, as the figure started walking into the garage, Laurie auto-locked all of her doors. As the figure got closer, Laurie's fear got deeper. Once the figure entered the garage and to her car door, they tapped and tapped on her window.

But Laurie being so scared just balled up in her driver's seat crying into her hands. Once the figure grabbed the car door to try to open it, she got more scared and freaked. All of a sudden, her flight reflexes kicked in and Laurie unlocked her door and flung it open, causing the figure to fall hard on their back. Seeing she had a clearing to run. Laurie ran out of the garage and ran to the police station. 

She ran so fast she didn't realize that she had reached the station. Even though she had the fright of her life, Laurie forgot about herself and returned her focus on her missing sister. 

Laurie then composed herself and went into the station. She then walked up to the complaint desk in the station to report her sister missing.

"Hello, can I help you miss?"

"Yes, my name is Laurie Maskins, I would like to report a missing persons report, my sister Stevie Maskins didn't come home, and today is her sixteenth birthday."

"Miss Maskins, we love to help, but there is a 48 hour waiting period, for missing persons."

"I do not care about that, she is all I have left as family, our parents died last year and I am her guardian and I need you to go look for her, according to her friends, she was with them at the mall after school picking up their Halloween costumes for a party tonight, and she just disappeared; so please do not give me this 48 hours bullshit, please!"

"Miss Maskins, please calm down, this is not helping the situation."

"Hell, no, I want help to find my little sister, with how the world is now, especially the news of those missing girls, I do not want her being the next victim, because apparently, those other girls ended up dead, because of your obligation to a 48 hours wait crap rule!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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