My Boss ( Zayn Malik Fanfic )

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" People see you in a way that I don't like they always want something from you that we both know" he told me while stroking my hair, "Don't you ever give it to them don't do it until you get married it will make you more respectful in your husband's eyes they see you from outside no one ever has tried to see you from inside they are in love with your looks but I love you I see your beauty inside and out " he told me as he continued to play with my hair.

His words made me feel so warm and secure and the way he is talking to me made me want to stay in this moment forever " I want to be just with you no one else stay between my arms don't you ever leave me baby " I told him the way I'm feeling and held him tighter.

" Don't worry honey I want to spend my life with you " he kissed my forehead

" I love you " I told him those three words he took a deep breath and said

" I love you too , I love you too " I snuggled closer to him, but something made me uncomfortable maybe they way he said these words, it felt like he said them to convince himself more than telling me.

I shook the memory out of my head as some tears escaped my eyes, he left me after a week from saying that using the famous 'we lost our spark 'line, but I miss him I miss our days together. I am not okay without him, I begged him to stay and I hated that, I told him that we could have our spark back but sadly he just walked out the door.

I looked at the tall building in front of me I took a deep breath. I read the word 'Malik' written in bold on the top of the building. I need to forget about him, I have to; I can't stop my life for him, I took a deep breath again as I got out of my mini copper my heels clicked against the gravel as I was walking the Entrance to my new job and my new life.

As I am an independent woman after a hard break up I decided to start my new life alone since I gave up my family for my ex boyfriend; but luckily I got my family back I remember mum saying " you know why we took you back ? because you are part of this family and we were missing a piece of puzzle when you weren't here, look honey being a mother isn't easy at all but it's worth it when I held your sister for the first time maybe it was hard to deal with you maybe I forgot about my life just for you but you're a part of me " I smiled at the happy memory.

I entered the company a blonde in her thirties was standing behind the desk she looked bored but who wouldn't be ? I walked to her desk and she looked up at me with her blue eyes and gave me a warm smile I returned it and she said " Malik for fashion how can I help you ? " she was wearing a pink blazer with white shirt and a name tag 'Sheri', as I was about to speak my phone buzzed I mumbled a quick ' one second ' I unlocked to see that I have a text from him saying ' I saw you today but you know what ? Even seeing your face pisses me off! ' it hurts to see those words from him the one who I thought that he is my everything guess I was wrong he told me he would never hurt me he lied; I can feel my eyes watering after reading the text.

" are you okay darling ? " the lady's voice snapped me out of my thoughts I blinked the tears away and nodded and told her " yeah I am okay thanks anyway I am here cause I have an appointment with Mr.Malik " she nodded and looked at the laptop screen in front of her " you're Ms. ? " she asked me " I am Ms.Greens I have an appointment with Mr Malik for an interview " I told her she nodded and typed somethings on the laptop and smiled " yeah just wait here for a few minutes till I call you " she pointed to three leather seats I nodded and walked to them I sat on one and waited, little did I know that this day would be a turning point in my life.

after a few minutes Sheri called me I went to the elevator and pressed number '30' and waited the elevator dinged and the doors opened I walked out of it I walked down the hall like she told me I swear I was so nervous that I felt dizzy, I saw a wooden door with Mr.Malik on it there was an empty desk in front of the door I knocked on the door I heard a ' come in ' I straighten my skirt and opened the door there was a man whose back was turned to me he was looking outside the big glass wall with a folder in his hand I cleared my throat " Ms. Greens right ? " he asked "yeah that's right " he turned around and I couldn't believe my eyes this man should be model he is so hot he was wearing a grey suit that fits him perfectly. I could smell his perfume from here it was mixed with the smell of smoke I like it I smiled at him as I shook these stupid thoughts from my head.

his eyes trailled my body up and down I felt naked under his gaze, he licked his lips slowly then looked me in the eyes " well Ms.Greens I didn't have time to read this " he pointed at the folder in his hand " so I am going to ask you some questions " I nodded at him still smiling

" well how old are you ? " he asked " I am 22 sir " he nodded his head and opened the folder " do you have any work experience? " I gulped and said "no" he raised an eyebrow looking at me "then why should I hire you?" I felt so tiny under his gaze but I tried to hide how Intimidated I was by him  and said "I know sir that my application is not good and that I don't have any experience but I want to assure you that if you gave me this chance I won't disappoint you" he nodded closing the folder in his hands "well listen and listen carefully you'll be under the spot for the next week and with the first mistake you'll be out of here, mis-"

Mr.Malik was cut off by a black haired girl she has short black hair she is tan well she is gorgeous she was wearing a blue dress with black belt and black pumbs in her feet.

" oh sorry I didn't know you had a meeting with someone " she smiled and walked towards me she pulled her hand out for me to shake and said " I'm Dani " I shook her hand and said " and I am Jade nice to meet you " I smiled at her she is friendly I already like her she nodded at me and turned towards Mr.Malik

" Zayn you need to choose from this fabrics for the new collection okay ? " she asked him " okay Dani I will let you know which ones I liked in the meeting " Mr.Malik's voice is smooth but husky at the same time it sends shiver down my spine Dani nodded and walked towards the door she turned and looked at me " it would be nice if we hang out some time by the way I like your skirt and I bet I am not the only one who likes it " she smirked and winked, I felt my whole body heat up by her comment

Mr.Malik didn't seem affected by what she said as he continued what he was saying " like I was saying mistakes are not allowed here, now you can go there is a sticky note on your laptop with the things I want you to do you'll have the office in front of mine " I nodded at him and said " yes sir "

I turned on my laptop to find a yellow sticky note staring at me with some things on it it's not a lot but it's good for the first day

1- bring me mocha

2- set a meeting on wednesday with all the mangers

3- set a password on the laptop

4 - make a back up to ALL the work I am giving you

5- check the sales

7-edit the papers on your desk

well I have enough work to keep me busy from thinking about ... him. he lost me



I made a lot of changes like A LOT of changes but it still has some ideas from the old one

hope you like it please tell me what do you think

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