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Harry let out a quiet sob,"I just wanted to go outside for a little...maybe after swimming, we could've had some coffee," He said as if he was speaking to Zain. "Noooo Harold, I don't like your presence. Leave me alone," He pretended as if Zain would say that. He surely was stressing out,"Just say it and I will!" Speaking to himself, he scolded. Harry ran up to Zain's room and sat upon the man's bed. "Do.Not.Eat." He told himself. He began to cry and slowly crawled up on the bed. "Am I really going to Hell? What have I done wrong?" He asked himself. He began to tremble and with that, he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Zain came back home after a few drinks with the man they ran up to. He went up to his room, spotting Harry's sleeping figures. "So beautiful." He said to himself. Zain was drunk and whenever he was, he intended to speak the truth or what's going on in his mind, but most of the time he would become a jerk to those he truly loved, but only if they were awake to argue upon what he would splatter out. Zain kissed Harry's temple before looking at the corner of the notebook that was tucked under the pillow he slept upon which was tucked under without much an effort. Zain slowly took it and began to skip through pages. Most of them were stories or songs, but the ones that had 'I CAN'T DO THIS' or 'I WANT TO DIE' in bold letters caught his eyes. He looked at Harry, whom was still sleeping. The boxer found a clean page and began to draw Harry perfectly; every detail, every part of his beauty. Once Zain was done with the masterpiece, he started to write something on the back of the page:

'I'm not going to let you die. Harry, you're perfect to me. You're beautiful and please hear me out when I say this. I don't say this to a lot of people, my mind doesn't let me. I think I like you. I mean, I have unconditional feelings towards you. Such as caring, worry, fear, sorrow, empathy, and much more that my drunken brain can process right now. You're an angel. Literally an angel! You're handsome, come on...beyond that. You could be a model. That's why that mad man did those horrid things to you. Anyone would kill to get their hands on you. Today when I saw you, your body, I don't mean to sound rubbish or anything, but I was truly thunderstruck. Your body is art. I would never say this in reality, but I'm drunk now so I suppose writing this all down is alright. I mean all this from my heart.' With that, Zain wrote the date and signed his name before closing the notebook, placing it back how it was originally seen and fell asleep next to Harry.

Mind Full of Paper ♔ zarry stylikWhere stories live. Discover now