The Past Before The Present

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( I spend a long time to find the perfect photo for the front, well you have long purplish, blackish hair. you look like what you do on the front of the book, but the red is replaced with purple. and no crossbow and arrows. you normally have your hood up. your name is siu ) 

" your guide bores me" I said plainly. " i thought defeating a dark magic guild was supposed to be not really easy"

" please don't kill us" they begged. 

" sorry gentlemen but i have to finish what i started". I just froze them all in place, then they started burning into ash. 

" hey I was supposed to do that" a voice yelled. I turned around it was a kid about my age (10 years old), red hair. 

" To late" i said locking the last person in a crystal. ( it's like greys ice, but it's purple and it burns whomever it touches). he turned to ash inside of the crystal barrier. 

" you want to fight" the kid yelled. 

" bring it on little man" I said putting one of my hands behind my back, and powder on the other. I put my hand that had the powder flat and in front of me. When the kid rushed up to me i blew the powder on him. He fell to the ground sound asleep. 

he had a fairy tail mark on his arm, i love studying guilds. their very interesting. It's only a ten minute walk from here, and i got nothin better to do. I guess i'll take him back. I easily dragged him to the town of magoli. he was still sound asleep. I opened the fairy tail guild hall doors everyone was looking at me. I dragged the little kid into the room. 

" I believe he is one of you" I said crossing my arms. 

" what happened" a girl in armor yelled. 

" he's fine, only sleeping powd.." i started to say when something almost hit my face, i cought it in my hand. 

" owww" the little boy yelled pulling his hand away.

" want to try that again boy" I said angrily. 

" wait," he said looking around. " you brought me back after almost killing me" he yelled. 

" sleeping powder." I said slightly annoyed. 

" who are you anyway" a half naked boy asked. 

" grey your clothes" another person yelled. 

" ignorant fools" I muttered.

" you want to say that again" the half naked boy yelled. 

" ignorant... fools" I said louder. the half naked boy otherwise known as grey came running at me, he used ice magic, this'll be fun. I trapped his feet in crystal magic. 

" ahh" he yelled as he fell to the floor. the crystals disappeared and left a partially melted feet.

" I'll Admit, guilds are fun" I muttered.

" you can't just come in here and stir up trouble" the girl in armor yelled. 

" come fight me then" I said bending my fingers. 

" fine if that's what you want" the girl yelled. 

" man this kid comes in here and is challenging erza, who's going to win" an adult fairy tail member asked the person next to him.

" i'm warning you, if you die it's not on my hands" i said. I sent crystal magic all around her for a mere second, no one would be able to notice and she fell to the floor. " I take that back, this isn't that much fun." I muttered. 

" My child what is it that your after" an old guy sitting on a table asked me. 

" I'm bored, That's all" I told him, i still have my hood up. I bet I look like a assassin.

" grrrr" a monstest thing said. 

" kronke go away" I said annoyed. everyone looked at the door to see a giant wolf with a black magic energy pouring from it, it was a grey wolf with some white spots on her fur.

" master wants you" kronke told me in a deep evilly sounding voice. 

" As he wishes" I said walking over to the wolf. 

" wait is that girl from that asashin ( assassin) group" a guild member said. 

" no she's to young" 

"  go die" I said holding up my middle finger. " don't judge me by my age".

" master wants you now" kronke repeated. 

" if he wishes so badly" i said turning into my wolf form. I'm white with a black strip down my snout and into my tail. " come on then" I said running out of the guild hall". 

we walked into the woods for about ten minutes. when we reached a cave, many twist and turns, a normal person would get lost but every wolf that is allowed in her knows our base from the inside out, it is a requirement you see. except for the W class only the W classed wolves know that part of our base. It is against a law to go in our base in human form. I walked down into the cave, kronke parted from me and i walked into a openeding. 

" father what did you want" I asked. 

" did you have fun" the completely black wolf asked. 

" yes, I went to that fairy tail place aswell their all weeklings." I said annoyed for having to report to him like every hour. 

" so they are, why don't we just go kill them all then" 

" their not worth the effort, I took them all down in one shot" i said proudly.

" indeed, as you wish then. go have more 'fun' as you say" 

" ok" i said, i twisted in and out of tunnels, i knew these tunnels as well i know the back of my paw. I jumped out of the cave and turned back into human form. I climbed my favorite tree, it's one of the tallest in the forest, you can see everything. When i saw that little redheaded boy punching a picture of those other two kids that I beat so easily. I jumped down and turned into wolf form running towards the little boy's location. 

" what you doing" I asked. he turned around and started yelling.  

" are you the one that beat erza and grey" he yelled. 

" maybe so but want to play" I asked wagging my tail. 

" why would i play with you" he said crossing his arms. 

" i'm just bored but if you don't want to i can just go kill something" 

" fine, what do you wanna play" he said happily. 

i grabbed a stick." tug a war, no one has ever beat me" 

" well someone is about to" he said smiling. 

he grabbed onto the stick, he wasn't even a challenge.  

" your a easy opponent" I said dropping the stick. 

" why don't we play fetch". 

" what are you mocking me, i'm no house puppy" i said annoyed. " you can fetch the stick" i said smirking. 

" I'm no dog unlike you" 

" do you want to die" i said turning into human form, I have my hood down. 

" wow your really pretty you know that"

" shut up" i said not realizing that a small blush has crawled onto my cheeks. 

( In another part of the forest) 

after going through the twist and turns of the cave you will find siu's father's office, normally discussing business, but for now he is checking up on his daughter.  

" so she's playing with that inbasul" the black wolf stated.  

" he's a magic user actually, he claims he was raised by igneel himself." kronke explained

" interesting, what kind of magic does he use" the black wolf asked. 

" fire of course" 

" interesting" he said obviously interested. " i think we should test his abilities."     

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2017 ⏰

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