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Dusk until dawn, Sirius Black hoped and prayed her sister would be in Gryffindor like him but his family wanted Vega to be in Slytherin to continue their legacy that was destroyed by Sirius.

Sitting at the Gryffindor Table. Sirius along with his friends. James, Peter,and Remus. He had been so nervous and yet really excited till the Sorting ceremony.

Vega was roaming around the castle in searcg for the bathroom but he bumped into a person. She had caught his eyes and shot her with a nervous grin.

"Oh im so sorry" said the boy with reddish blackish hair.
"Oh please dont be, Im Vega Quinn Black and might i suppose ask your name too?" Vega said while

"Im Margaust Oakley Weather, its nice to meet you , Quinn" Margaust said with a dashing smile

"Your a first year arent you Augy?" Vega snorted because of the nickname she gave.

"Yes, yes i am, Quinny" Margaust responded with a cheeky grin.

"I should go now, Goodbye Augy see you later" Vega said while running to the Great Hall.

As the she arrived at The Great Hall and was up in line for the sorting ceremony. But suddenly as she was running in a hurry to not be late but she tripped and fell and bumped into a Boy.

"O--oh im so sorry" Vega started with a sympathetic smile.

"Rubbish" the boy glared at her with flaming eyes of fire."Maybe you should watch your way,Black"

"Why do you know me?" with a sassy face worn up her face.

"It seems so familiar that my sister is friends with you Brother, Sirius" the boy argued as he stepped backward.

"Oh, then you should keep your attitude to yourself, I did not mean to bump in to  you" Vega argued and wore a glare on her face.

Before they would continue their arguing the Headmaster Dumbledore tapped his spoon at the sides of his cup and began the ceremony. Professor Mcgonnagll placed a short stool in front of the great hall and took the sorting hat in place.

"Know When i call your name please step forward and be sorted. Your house will be like you home. Your triumphs will earn you point and as well any rule breaking and it will loose you points." Mcgonnagll said

"Vernice Allius"

Their was defeaning sileance in the room people were so quiet as the sorting hat remained to be concentrated in sorting. As the har called out.


Burst of claps and shout coming from the slytherin table knowing that another pure blood has joined the feast.

"Axcel Blaz"

Vega muttered under her breath talking about how the boy he spoke to a while ago was up at the front getting sorted.

"That git" Vega muttered under her breath.


the students from Ravenclaw arose to meet their new family member of the Ravenclaw house.

"Vega Quinn Black"

As she stepped on every step as she walked to the front and released a heavy sigh knowing that if she would be in the three houses but not Slytherin it would kill the nerve of my parents and if she would be in Slytherin she would be expected to be just like Regulus which she didnt want.

"Better be....."

As Sirius´ sister was called out chills from inside his spine went up and he was nervous as hell. He was just hoping that the hat will choose its destiny.

"Dont be nervous, Sirius" a girl tapped his shoulder and gave him a smile.

"There is no reason i should be, Bianca" he responded with a cheeky grin.

"Oh-okay"Bianca said while slipping her words.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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