What the hell

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Jaz's POV
I wake up in a cold room, it's pitch black and I can't see a thing. I was starting to freak out a little when I realised I was a werewolf and could just glow my eyes their icy blue and I'd be able to see as if it were bright as day. "Idiot", I whisper to myself. "Wait Jaz is that you?" "Yeah, it's me Liam" I reply to Scott's young beta. "Oh thank god, well umm... this may sound weird but I kinda need your help" Liam asked sheepishly. "Why, what's happened" I ask Liam, I'm slightly worried now. "Well umm... I'm kinda stuck in a hole", Liam replied with an extremely embarrassed tone. I tried to hold in my laughter but it just wasn't happening, I ended up on my knees on ground with my head resting on my thighs. "Would you shut up, you have the most annoying laugh", said a voice I recognised as the one and only Theo. "OH MY GOSH! THEO!!" I scream, he had scared me as he had spoken right next to my ear. He then looked over into the direction Liam's voice had come from and said "Don't worry baby boy, I can help" he said in the sweetest tone I'd ever heard. "Oh just shut up and help me", Liam growled at Theo. "Okay chill" Theo says whilst pulling Liam up out of his hole. Suddenly the lights flicker on. "Ahh finally we have some light", I said. I look to my left to see Theo pulling Liam out of the hole a bit to quickly so they ended up hugging, their eyes glow at each other as they pull quickly away. "Sooo" Theo says awkwardly, "How did we end up down here?" "I don't know but it's kinda cold" I reply, I was looking into Theo's eyes and for once I actually noticed just how hot he really was. "Maybe we should try to find Scott and the others" said Liam whilst glaring at me.

Chloe's POV

"Ugh why do I feel so shit?" I asked myself. "That would be the vervain and wolfsbane love" I heard a voice say. "Klaus?" I asked. "Yes, and I ,Damon am also here, so stop the flirting lovebirds" Damon said as her staggered over towards me. I ran to him to hold him up to make sure he didn't fall on his face. Klaus gives me the 'what the fuck' look so I say "Babe relax he's just my best friend" "Yeah right whatever" Klaus replied. "Sooo.... where the heck are we" I asked no one in particular. The room had a kind of sinister feeling that I couldn't quite explain. The walls were a dark grey colour and in the top left corner there was a tall pitch black door at the top of a flight of stairs. "Maybe that door leads out of this weird ass room", said Damon. "Well go and open it" says Klaus. "Why can't one of you too, you're both hybrids for fucks sake" Damon says as he walks up the stairs. "Damon wait" I say, "What's that smell?" I ask as I start to smell something absolutely horrid. "Ugh! That's so disgusting", Damon said whilst holding his nose. "I'm gonna check it out, you too wait here" said Klaus.

                                                                           Klaus's POV
'This smell really is quite horrid' I thought to myself as I walk around the room searching for the source of the horrible odour. I turn a corner to go into the bottom right part of the room and am completely stunned by what I see. "Guys you may just want to come see this" I yell out to Damon and Chloe. 'Oh shit' I thought, I hope Damon doesn't go on a killing spree after this, but then I remember there was no one that he could kill seeing as Chloe and I were much stronger than him with being hybrids and what not. Damon and Chloe appeared round the corner and saw what I was talking about. Damon screamed "No! Not Elena" and ran to her side. "I had no idea a rotting corpse could smell so bad", said Chloe with a massive evil smirk. 'Crazy bitch' I though. 'I love it'

                                                                    Damon's POV
'Oh no! NO!' I thought while running to Elena's side. I dropped to my knees beside her head and lifted her lifeless head into my lap. "Wait" I said realising something. "This isn't Elena" I said with a huge smile. "How do you know?", Klaus asked. "She's not wearing the vervain necklace Stefan gave her, this is Katherine" I replied. "Umm well fuck ok.... but we still need to try and find a way out of this stinky ass room" Chloe stated. "Good point, let me check that door" I said. I walk up the stairs and go straight up to the door, and turn the handle before I have the chance to chicken out. I open the door and see Stefan, Caroline, Bonnie, Kai, Matt and unfortunately Kol. Stefan looks up at me and says "Any idea where we are?" "Well hello to you too brother. Chloe, Klaus get your buts up here now "

                                                                      Stiles's Pov
"Scott!" I scream while frantically searching for my best friend. "Stiles, I'm over here I hear" Scott say weakly. I look over in the direction that I'd heard Scott's voice come from, and see that he is in a circle of mountain ash with Malia and Derek. I stumble over there, I kicked the mountain ash away and helped Scott and Malia out, Derek could get himself out I thought? Apparently not, "Stiles" Derek said weakly before falling to the ground. "God damn it Derek" I mumble while pulling him up from the ground and helping him over to a flight of stairs that led up to a pitch black door, 'That's convenient' I thought. "Intense" Says mason from the corner he was sitting in with Corey and Lydia. I roll my eyes, when Scott says "Where the hell are we?" "Oh I don't have a clue Scott, how would I have a clue I was knocked out if you don't remember, Jesus for a true alpha you don't have much of a memory" I snapped, 'damn' I thought 'now I feel bad'. "Sorry buddy" I say to Scott, "I'm just really stressed". "It's ok Stiles, how bout we try that door. I looked up the flight of stairs and say "Oh hell no, no Scott I am not opening that door! Only god knows what's behind there, I mean for all we know it could be like Dread Doctors or anything." I say with a surprised look on my face, like I wouldn't expect Scott to do that, ok...well maybe I would, but that's not the point. "Come on Stiles you can do it" Malia says to me, instantly filling my body with confidence. I walk up the stairs with the pack behind me, 'well except for Jaz, Liam and Theo, stupid little immature betas are never around when they're needed. I get to the door and reach or the handle, just before I touch it I feel Malia's hand on mine. I put my hand on the handle of the door and twist. I reef the door open and am truly shocked by what I see.

                                                                  Thomas's POV
"Hey Newt, look maybe this door will lead us out" I yell out to Newt and the other Gladers, well the five of us that were left. Newt came over with Minho, Gally and Teresa.             "Well go on then Tommy, open it". Newt encouraged. I started reaching my hand out to the door but before I could reach the door was flung open to reveal like seven people, I scanned each one of their faces until my eyes landed on the boy who had flung the door open. He looked exactly like me, if it weren't for the fact that his hair was a bit longer we would be completely identical, he looked straight into my eyes with an expression of pure shock on his face. My thoughts were interrupted by Gally, "What the actual shuck?" He questions while sounding massively freaked out. I seemed to be frozen in place in this horrible room, staring into my own eyes, 'this is soooo weird' I thought to my self.  "What the hell is going on?" He asked me, 'oh wow' he even sounds exactly like me I thought, before being interrupted by him saying to Newt "Hey blondie you look like the brains of your little clique, what the hell is going on here?" "Your doppelgängers" said a voice of which I had no idea whom it  belonged to. We all turned to see a large group of very pale looking people, "I'm Damon" he says. "What the hell is a doppelgänger" a really pretty girl with long wavy blonde hair asks the man. "Well obviously it's two people who look exactly the same, although I've never seen two human ones at the same time", he said sounded interested. "It's a type of supernatural creature, I'm not entirely sure how it works but, Elena over here is also a doppelgänger, we literally just found hers dead, so you may wanna hope one of you guys aren't next"

Sooo, what did we think of the first chapter guys? I tried to make it long, hopefully it's long enough... it was real hard starting this book off so it may suck a little at first but I promise it'll get better, my best friend is helping me with this book so go give her a follow and check out a few of her books.x_xchlobearx_x

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