1. The Party

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1.  The Party

Tonight I was going to a party with my friend Denis, it wasn't hard to notice I have a giant crush on him, I mean how can you not he's tall with dark brown hair, a perfect jawline And a shining smile. He's everything you want in a guy.
"Alex you coming?" He calls out And I smile before fixing up my hair one last time And walking over to him And linking our arms as we exit the house.

At the party it was crowded. Most people were already drunk And Denis held me close to his side as the drunk guys reached for me with their grabby hands
"Be careful here Alex" Denis says turning to face me And brushing a stray strand of my blonde hair behind my ear. I looked up at him with big brown eyes
"You're gonna ditch me?" I ask nervously looking around at everyone stumbling And failing to dance along to the music
"I wouldn't dream of it, still you should be careful for when I turn my back, guys can swoop in quickly" he explains And I let out a sigh of relief. He wasn't going to leave me. Denis clutched my hand tightly as he lead us through the crowd. I definitely felt little electric shocks at the contact. We approach someone who seems to be Denis' friend by the smile on his face
"Zdravstvyute" he says pulling the guy into a bro-hug. I know enough Russian to know that's a rough translation to hello in English. The guy looks at me And his eyes scan me all the way up And down, lingering in certain places making me feel uncomfortable. Denis' grip around me tightened And they soon fell into into a conversation too fluent for me to pick up on much
"Kha- kha ty chlen" I heard Denis say, I knew what that meant, as a rough translation it's
Ha- ha you dick
The way he said it made it seem like it wasn't in a joking way And I took a little step back. For the third time Denis' arm tightened around my waist. I heard the guy say something that sounded sleezy, just by the way he said it. I didn't like it. Denis said something aggressively And it was immediately met with a insult from the other guy. I now knew this was a argument
"Poshel ty" Denis spat, that was a insult I was familiar with. Screw you. The guy said something back And Denis squeezed my wrist And went to lead me away but the other guy grabbed my other wrist making sure I couldn't move
"Ukhodi" I yelled telling him to go away And Denis managed to tug me free of his grip And drag us outside. In the cold nights air he looked at me with wide eyes And started leaning in
"Denis what are you doing?" I ask eyeing him nervously And he smiled slightly
"I almost lost you Alex, I can't risk losing you again" he says And before I know it his soft lips are on mine moving gently. It all started with a shitty party.

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