Chapter One

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Jimin was the sort of person who didn't fall easily into relationships.

He didn't have a hard time making friends, his easy-going personality and ready smile made him approachable to anyone, and his warm personality welcomed everyone and made them want to stay. He had a lot of friends, though he only considered a handful of them to be his closest - Taehyung and Jungkook coming to mind - but anything beyond the realms of friendship were a foreign concept to him.

He had been interested in people before, boys more than girls (that discussion had been an awkward one with his parents), but mustering up the courage to go beyond simply being friends didn't come easily to him. He was a clingy person by nature, and he knew that neediness increased exponentially when he found someone who caught his interest.

Taehyung often joked that he turns into a soft koala whenever he got himself a boyfriend and Jimin could do nothing but nod and agree.

When Lee Taemin, the most popular boy at their college asked him out in his first year, Jimin was beyond happy. He had squealed about it to Taehyung and Jungkook that same day as they lounged around their apartment, playing video games and snacking on junk food. They had congratulated him before proceeding to pummel his ass at Mario Kart.

At first, he had been fairly reserved, unsure about how to act around the older male. But over time, as the relationship progressed, Taemin had been able to coax Jimin out of his awkward phase and the two had earned themselves a pretty solid reputation around college. It also helped that Taemin didn't mind Jimin's clingy personality, often letting the younger wrap himself around him as he cooed pretty words into Jimin's ear.

Jimin thought their relationship was growing stronger and stronger, each day filled with happiness. He'd even given Taemin his virginity on their one-year anniversary. It had been awkward at first and slightly uncomfortable, but Jimin wouldn't have changed it for anything.

So, when their third-year anniversary rolled around, the last thing he expected was to get a text message from Taemin telling him he'd grown tired of Jimin and wanted to break up, that it had been a fun ride, but his clingy personality had become too much for the elder to handle.

Jimin had never cried harder in his life.

Taehyung had wrapped his lanky arms around him the minute the younger got home from his classes, rocking him back and forth as Jimin cried into his chest. Jungkook had barged into the apartment an hour later, panting harshly as he shouted profanities at Taemin, vowing to beat the crap out of him the next time he saw him.

"I swear I'll kick his ass if I see him around campus," Jungkook said, angrily tearing a bag of chips open. "That asshole. Who the fuck does shit like that?"

"Language, Kook," Taehyung said, shooting the younger a glare.

As much as Jungkook liked to think he was an adult, he was still younger than them by two years, having been accelerated in primary and then again in high school, and both Jimin and Taehyung had taken it upon themselves to make sure Jungkook didn't end up like the elusive Yoongi, who they had heard from Jin liked to cuss like a sailor.

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