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(Hello! It's been quite a while since I've posted anything new here on good old Wattpad. This isn't anything new, far from it, but I just wanted to give some much-needed editing to a story I originally wrote when I was 14. This doesn't really fix any of the plot issues, sorry. However, this does fix some egregious grammar and spelling errors. I still write, but now, I'm afraid I've been experiencing some pretty bad writer's block. Coming back to this fic felt a lot like coming home. I just want to say to anyone reading this: Thank you for taking the time to read this or even leaving a comment if you feel inclined to.) 

The other night dear

Lunch went as usual with Sasha scarfing down her food like there's no tomorrow, and Jean shamelessly flirting with Mikasa. The chatter of students filled the air, and the cafeteria suddenly seemed more massive than it was to a particular green-eyed boy. As soon as he stepped into the room, a hush came over the crowd of students. Other students exchanged not-so discreet whispers, and sympathizing eyes glanced at him to say, "I'm sorry for your loss." He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and slowly walked to his best friend, Mikasa. Jean was still flirting with her, though she paid no attention to his advances. Mik made sure Jean scattered as she flicked her wrist in the opposite direction towards the 'popular' crowd. Her red scarf sagged from her petite form, and her midnight hair shone brightly. Though she dressed in a preppy manner, the look on her face said otherwise.

Still confused, Eren shoved his shaking hands in his navy blue jacket that had the emblem of his favorite band, The Wings of Freedom. His best friend looked at him with a face of apathy. His turquoise eyes met her lifeless ones, and he tilted his head as a confused puppy would. With outstretched arms, she offered him a hug, which he gratefully accepted. He buried his face in her hair, relaxing somewhat at the familiar smell. Though the two seemed trapped in their world, the whispering failing to cease, and the rest of their classmates continued to stare at them.

As I lay sleeping

His peaceful look was replaced with worry when he realized the usually cheerful cafeteria was still silent except for whispered words. He nervously ran his slender fingers through his unkempt brown hair. Attention was something he didn't fancy. Mikasa leaned in to whisper the news to him, but something stopped her. It was [first]'s, friend. She desperately shook her head no, signaling that she wasn't to inform Eren. Sighing, Mikasa directed Eren's attention to [first]'s friend, who, in return, gave her a weak smile that didn't express joy. [Friend's name] walked across the cafeteria to meet the worried boy halfway. Her hair was matted down and was duller than usual. Tear stains marked her face, and all life was gone from her eyes as well. She opened her mouth, preparing to say something, but the shrill sound of an alarm clock interrupted his dream.

Gasping for breath, Eren lifted his shaking hand to his face, and it came back slightly wet, proof he was crying. He shook his head to clear his mind of the strange and saddening dream. He tossed away the sheets of his bed so he could free himself from the mass of blankets and textbooks. Gently, he set down his feet and stretched his arms. He glanced at the clock, which read 7:15 A.M... Groaning and moaning, he trudged to his bathroom so he could freshen up for the day.

I dreamed I held you in my arms

After wrestling his shoes on, he headed towards the front door, not caring that he had only eaten half of his burnt toast and weird tasting cereal. He did care that he forgot his bookbag, though. Snatching it by the frayed left strap, he raced out the door so he wouldn't be late for school, or prison as he called it. The crisp morning air jolted him awake and put a nervous smile on his face. Hearing something slam shut, he craned his neck towards the source of it. Mikasa, his next-door neighbor, or his 'other half' as people nicknamed her, started the engine on her red car. Walking over to greet her, he realized that she seemed frustrated about something. Sighing, he lightly tapped on the window. She slightly jumped but smiled when she saw it was her best friend. Her grey eyes seemed to soften, and she tucked a strand of her black hair behind her left ear. She tapped a button, and Eren heard a faint click. It signaled that the door on the passenger side was open.

Sunshine [Eren x Reader] (AU)Where stories live. Discover now