I hate it when you ask me who I like then give advice on how to get him
I hate it when you leave all of a sudden then go with her, and her, and sometimes her
I hate it when you give me false hopes with your texts that are so nice to hear...little did I know that they were group mesages
I hate it when you cheer me up then make me cry after wards, 'cause you don't have a heck of an idea
I hate it when you get jealous for no reason then tell me everything's okay
I hate it when you act all nice then give me that smile that fades when you see your girls coming, and give it to them instead
I hate it when you're doing everything so perfectly, leaving me under you all the time
I hate it when you.... well, make me hate you all the time. But then again I just can't, it was never hate, it was just the effect of mere loneliness.
How could you be so happy without me when I fake every smile when it's not for you? Why?! But I just...I just can't.