Chapter 1

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I leaned back against the wall as I sat down on the roof of my house, watching the rising sun. I did this every morning. It's the only relaxing time of the day I have. Well, had now. Today was the first day of school so this'll probably be the last time I do this for the rest of the school year. Only reason i'm up here now is because my mom woke me up at four in the morning for no reason what-so-ever.

"Wesley! Come here!" And speak of the devil, here she is calling me. I slowly stand up, careful not to hit my bad knee on anything, then climb back inside through my bedroom window. "Well finally there you are!" My mom was standing in the center of the room, her arms on her hips. "I don't like you being out on the roof. It's dangerous. You could hurt yourself." "Mom, I've gone up there ever since we moved here and have never fallen off then. Why would I start now?" "Well EXCUSE me for caring about your safety. Now hurry up and get ready for school!" "Why are you yelling this early in the morning?" I complain, laying back down in bed. She immediately pulls me up to a sitting position. "Because nobody is listening to what I say!" "What time is it?" "4:15." "And what time do I need to be at the bus stop?" "6:30." "Okay. That's in two hours and fifteen minutes. Now let me inform that I was not born yesterday, and could easily get ready in five." My mom angrily stomps out of the room and downstairs and I follow her. I slump down onto the couch and start to watch the news.


Two hours and ten minutes pass and I wake up from the couch. Apparently I lied to my mom and got ready to leave in three minutes. As i'm walking out the door to go to the bus stop, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see my older brother Jacob. "Want me to drive you to school?" "No, it's always tradition that the neighborhood kids and I take the bus on the first day of school since we're getting driven by our parents for the rest of the year." "Suit yourself then." Jacob grabs his backpack and starts to head out the door. "Hold it!" Mom yells from the living room. "You are going to take your younger brother to school." "It's fine. I don't need a-" "No questions asked, he's driving you. Now go!" She pushes us both out the front door and locks us out. We look at each other before shrugging it off and get into his car. "So, you excited for your first year in high school?" Jacob asked as we pull out of the driveway. "I don't know. It'll be like any school really, just bigger and more confusing." "C'mon! There's gotta be more than that!" You're in with the big leagues now." "What exactly makes it the big league?" After a while of thinking he shakes his head. "No idea. But now at least you'll get cool points with your friends with me driving you to school." "Eh, popularity isn't really my thing." "I can never win with you." He sighs, and we continue the rest of the trip in silence.

We arrive at Middle Town High School (MHS) and part ways the second we're inside. I'm not confused on where to go like most freshmen are. Jacob did a ultimate frisbee and swimming so I had gone to a lot of his meets. Plus, I had some summer activities here too. Regardless, I still have no clue where my friends are. The first place I check is the cafe. At first I don't see anybody and am about to check elsewhere before I suddenly get hugged from behind. It could really only be one person. "Da wa ba!" I say (Never really knew why I said it. I just did) as I turn around and hug McKenzi back. She's actually a new friend I got this year when her boyfriend, Mark, who I've known for a few years introduced us in freshmen orientation. And right next to her, as expected, was Mark himself. "Sup dude." He says when me and McKenzi break apart. "Hey." "You seen Kayliana anywhere?" "Nah, I just got here. I was about to look, actually. Wanna come with?" "Sure." The three of us head out of the cafe and start down the hall. At the end we see a few more of our friends. Kayliana, Dalton, Anthony, the twins Kert and Kyle, Zadial, Annabella and Garret. "Hi guys!" Annabella springs up and hugs us all tightly. Kayliana gets up and does the same. Dalton and I fist bump and Garret just lays there on the floor. "Omigosh it's so good to see you guys!" I say. "I know it's been a while." I'm about to say something else when I hear plastic crinkling in Kayliana's hand. "COOKIES!!" I yell as I try to grab them. "No, no!" She dodges out of the way. "No, bad puppy. These are mine." "But they're cookies!" I try to swipe them away again. Little fun fact about me since you're probably confused, I have a very puppy-like personality. At least, that's what they all think the whole story is. It's not something I want to explain right now. 

Also, I will literally do anything for any sweets at all.

"Please please please?! Just one?" I give her an innocent look. "Fine, but only on one condition." "Yeah yeah sure, whatever." I wasn't really paying attention as my mouth was watering as I looked at the cookies. "I want you to stand still and don't turn around." I cock at her my head in confusion, but then I hear him behind me. "Ah shit." Jorell, my best friend since second grade, comes out of nowhere and starts tickling me from behind. "Stop it! Stop it!" I laugh as I finally break away from him. "Well you obeyed my order so I shall reward you." Kayliana says in a snotty voice, holding out a cookie, but I grab the entire package from her hands. "Hey!" She shouts, but before she could do anything else, I stuff half the cookies into my mouth. "Jesus man." "Meanie, those were mine!" "Don't tease me next time and maybe I won't." I manage to get out. In return she whaps me on the nose. I whine and shrink away. Jorell takes cautious steps away. "Ooooh, you made her mad..." "What's going on?" a teacher asks us. The tree of us turn to see a tall man with a bald head. "Fighting on the first day?" I swallow the cookies in my mouth and stand up. "Sorry sir, we were so excited to see each other again and got a little carried away." The teacher glares at at us, then smiles. "Okay then, just try to calm it down a little, alright?" "Yes sir." With that, the man turns around to bother someone else. Kayliana taps me from behind. "That was insane! You just lied to him." "Wesleys' had a lot of experience with lying so i'm not surprised." She gives Jorell a look of confusion. "You don't wanna know." She turns her attention back to me. "Cookies, now!" I whine again and bow my head, letting my hair fall in my face. I hand her two of the cookies and swallow the rest. She hits my nose again, then stomps away muttering. I rub my nose. I hate it when people do that.

Regardless i'm glad to see everyone again.

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