Attack Of The Kaillez

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Below I could see the Kaillerz. Their lethal weapons strapped across their shoulders. Sharp pointy teeth, Claw like hands, and eyes like cats. These people or should I say creatures are the most deadliest things alive. They are not human. Created in a lab with radioactive substances that can cause the human brain to go insane. Innocent lives have been taken to complete these experiments. They are designed to obey the government and kill whoever disobeys the law. In battle with one single strike of their iron swords you would die. The sharpness of their teeth and claws can tear flesh in three seconds flat. Just looking at their faces makes me quiver. My people live in fear. Scared of their loved ones being taken, killed, and eaten alive. I remember when they barged into my home killing my parents.

It was fall when they arrived. The government ordered a search for taxes and treasures. I was playing on the floor with my doll that I called sima. A forceful knock erupted at the door. A Kaillerz bursted into the room with a MK14 in hand. “You filthy bastards! give me your cash for the masters or suffer!” the Kaillerz snarled and growled. Its teeth were about three inches long. Muscles the size of melons. My father’s face lost it’s color. He surrendered and proceeded into the kitchen to collect what money we had left. Waiting impatiently the Kaillerz  glared at me and with bright yellow eyes. His sandpaper like tongue began to lick his teeth. “I’ll be taking this too!” he howled. The Kaillerz grabbed me by my hair and pulled me towards his chest.

“Mommy! don’t let him take me!”

My mother stared helplessly at her daughter dangling in the hands of death.

“Let her go Dianso!”


My father ran into the living room with a pistol in his left hand.

“Put her down!”

The Kaillerz hissed and unleashed his claws that were the length of humans arm. He dropped me on the floor.

“The master will be pleased with the head of peasant”

My dad began to shake. The Kaillarz reached for his gun and pointed it straight at my father.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye. Dianso immediately pulled the trigger. Bullets of every shape and size flew faster towards my father faster than the speed of light. My father gasped for air and yelled “Nanigasaniya!” He staggered to the floor with his hand stretched out for help. Then my father was silenced.

“You horrid monster!”

The flesh eating beast turned and was face to face with my mother who stood shakily.

“Shutup or suffer!”

“I will not, you creatures have reigned for too long!”

“Very well...Death it is!”

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