chapter 1

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I walked into my Chemistry class dreading what was to come. An hour and fifteen minutes of pure torture sitting next to the most notorious fuckboy at school, Grayson Dolan. Known for juggling multiple girls at once, leading then on and making them feel special, and dropping them as soon as he got bored. Luckily the only interest he had in me was copying my homework.

As soon as I walked in and took a seat at our shared desk he immediately turned to me. "Hey Y/N, did you do the homework last night?" he asked while attempting to give me his signature puppy dog look.

"Yeah," I replied. I began pulling my supplies out of my backpack ignoring his expectant gaze.

"So... you going to let me copy or what?" I just started at him in response. "Come on Y/N, you know I can't afford to not turn the homework in. If my grade drops below a C they'll bench me on the team." Grayson was the starting quarterback for our school's football team, and he definitely milked the position for all it's benefits on the field and off the field.

"I let you copy my homework last class under the condition that it was the last time and you would actually start doing it," I said. I was getting annoyed, this was a routine we had done every class since school started two weeks ago and we were assigned as lab partners.

"Listen, things came up, I don't know what you want from me." He scooted his chair closer to me and subtly bated his eyelashes at me. I almost laughed, did he think that it was actually supposed to work on me?

"You mean a girl came up," I said. Silence stretched between us as he didn't disagree. "Sorry Grayson, but it's not happening."

His eyes instantly turned cold as he glared at me. "Fine".

We ignored each other as our teacher came around checking our homework. Not gonna lie, I was a little excited for Grayson to finally get in trouble for not doing his work. He got away with everything.

Mrs.Tyler came up to our table and checked my homework. "Good job, Y/N", she said checking me off on her grade sheet. She looked up at Grayson. "Mr. Dolan, where's yours?"

Grayson's puppy dog eyes were instantly back. "Mrs.Tyler I am so sorry I didn't have time to do it last night. Coach had me running extra drills after practice to prepare for the rival game this Friday."

She looked at him for a moment before breaking out into a small smile. "I will let it slide this time Grayson, but you better have it for me next class." With that she moved on to the next table. I couldn't believe it. It was completely unfair. My jaw dropped.

Grayson looked over at me and smirked. He lifted up his finger and put it under my chin, closing my mouth. "You heard her, you better let me copy your homework for next class." He winked as he slowly removed his finger from below my chin, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps.


 Friday night rolled around and naturally Grayson led our team into a victory against our biggest rivals. I swear as he was walking off the field after the game he smirked at me. What an entitled ass. He did look good though in his black and blue jersey, hair sweaty and clinging to his forehead. Not that I cared.

Following the game it was tradition to have an after party at Matt Booker's house, which is how I found myself slightly tipsy and incredibly pissed off watching my sort-of-boyfriend Connor kissing another girl. I walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. His pulled his disgusting cheating lips off of the girls face and turned and looked at me. He didn't even have the decency to look ashamed. "Y/N, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"What am I doing here?" I practically screamed. "What are you doing kissing her?"

"Oh," he said and took a step away form her. "Look, it's not what you think it is."

"I think you were kissing another girl."

"Okay, so maybe it is what you think it is. But it's completely chill, baby, she means nothing to me." He reached up and attempted to caress my cheek, I slapped his hand away.

I threw what was left of my drink on him. "You're such an ass." I turned sharply and wove my way through the house looking for the front door. I regretted coming out tonight, but my best friend Veronica has insisted and I had a hard time saying no to her. After tonight, I was going to have a much easier time.

I opened the front door and began to storm down the driveway with no plans whatsoever in mind. Veronica was my ride home but she was somewhere inside, and there was no way in hell I was going back in there. I looked up and resisted groaning. Grayson was not too far away from me leaning against his Bronco. He was with his twin brother, Ethan, and Matt. He wasn't paying any attention to me until Connor came running out of the front door screaming my name.

"Y/N! Wait up!" Connor ran across the grass trying to catch up with me. I just kept walking and did my best to ignore him. "Baby, you and I aren't even official you really can't be mad about this."

That did it. I whirled around, "Don't call me that. And believe me, I am very aware we aren't official you only reminded me every fucking 30 seconds." At this point Matt, Ethan and Grayson were intensely listening to our fight. "It's so interesting to me how the state of our non- official never seem to come up when you were pissed off that I was just talking to other guys. So, yeah. I think I have a right to be mad that you were shoving you're tongue down some other girl's throat." I turned back around and continued walking down the driveway, passing Grayson.

"Y/N, don't you dare walk away from me. If you walk away, we're done I swear!" Connor threatened.

I passed and laughed. "Connor, babe. I don't know where you've been, but we've been done for like the past 10 minutes." At this point I have no idea what came over me, it was probably the alcohol, the adrenaline and the fact that I am extremely petty and really wanted to stick it to Connor. But I did what I thought I would never do. I walked right up to Grayson, grabbed a fistful of his shirt and pulled him towards me, pressing my lips against his.

He immediately responded, putting one of his hands on my waist and other in my hair pulling me closer. My arms wrapped around him as the kiss intensified. I started to lose myself in it until I heard Connor yell, "Fuck you Y/N!"

The kiss lasted for another few seconds until I pulled away. I turned and looked and saw Connor storming back into the house. I started at him for a little to long, not wanting to have to turn back to Grayson. When I finally did I regretted it as he stared at me with a dumb crooked grin on his face.

I started to back up slowly wanting to be anywhere else in the entire world but here. "Well, thanks for your help and all..." I continued to back away.

He slid his hands into his jean pocked and leaned back against his car. "Any time," he said.

"Um, okay. Yeah, well," I stuttered, "I guess I'll see u in Chem Monday. Okay, bye." I didn't give him another glance as I quickly turned and started walking down the sidewalk. I could feel heat radiating from my cheeks and my lips still tingled from his touch. What had I done?

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