Getting away

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I grabbed my bag and stuffed as much such as I can into it. I looked at my room one more time before I shut the door. I ran down the stairs and out the door. I need to get away and fast. It was a dark and kind of chilly as I walked through the streets. I hid my face from the few cars that pasted. I threw my hood over my head and gripped onto my bag as I went over the bridge. I exited to the stairs and onto another street. Then I noticed a car slowing down, I squinted my eyes to see clearly. Fuck! It’s a cop.

They flashed their lights at me “Hey you! Stop there!” fuck that, I took off running down the alley.

I heard the sirens go off as soon as I dashed off. I took a turn down onto another street and glanced over my shoulder to see that they were still on my ass. Fuck! I needed to get rid of them. I saw another alley and I turned onto it. I gave it all my speed and got to the end of the alley and turned onto another one. I saw a small wall that I could easy jump over. I tossed my bag over and I gripped onto the wall and lifted myself over. I landed on my feet and smiled. I could hear the sirens in the distance. I turned around and clashed into someone, causing me to fall to the ground.

“Whoa, you okay?” I looked up to see a tall guy with libery spikes with blonde tips. That’s cute. He stretched out his arm and I took it. I saw the flashing lights stop right on the other side toward the front of his house. Shit, they’re gonna check here. I quickly took off my hoodie and tossed it behind a bush near me; I did the same with my bag. The guy gave me a weird look as I put my hair up into a bun. I saw the side gate opening. Think Alysha! Think!

I grabbed a hold of the guys face and kissed him. I pulled away and held onto his hand as the cop walked into the yard.

“Hey have you seen a girl with a red hoodie running around here?” he asked stepping closer to us.

Just as I was gonna speak the guy spoke “Nah man, me and my girlfriend have been sitting in the backyard all day and nobody has come by” did he just cover up for me?

“okay thank you, if you do see anything could you give us a call.” He handed him a card and smiled at us. I returned the smiled and the cop left. I watched as the lights disappeared.

I looked at the guy “Thank you”

He smiled “no problem, but what did you do?”

If only you knew “it’s complicated” I reached for my bag.

“Could I at least know you name?”

Should i? He wouldn’t tell anybody or he would have right now “Alysha”

He smiled and before he could speak a guy with a beanie opened the siding door “Mike! Aunt Denise wants you in the house, it’s late and you still gotta pack! We go back home tomorrow!”

Mike, that’s a cute name. He was too busy looking at the guy, so I took advantage of that and hopped back over the wall. I know he was gonna ask more questions that I just couldn’t answer. I side down and listened to him answer the guy.

“I know! I’ll go right now!” it was quiet for a minute and then I heard him chuckle. I smiled and peeked over to see him going into the house.

I needed to get out of LA and quick. I stood close to small streets and headed to the bus station. I’m so happy that theres no cops around, I’m pretty tired. I feel bad for just leaving that guy there, but he couldn’t know. Nobody can. At least I won’t be seeing him again.

I finally reached the station, barely making it for the bus. I ran onto it and took my seat at the back. Ugh, I forgot my hoodie, oh well. I threw my head back and looked out the window. San Diego here I come.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2014 ⏰

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