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A U T H O R ' S - N O T E

Oh hey ho welcome to my first story!! Thanks for reading it, although I have no idea why you clicked on it lmao. Any who, there are a few tings I want y'all to know before we begin this bumpy ass ride:

- In this book, all of the Sidemen are the same age (17-18 years old)

  - This is set around the time when they are all in high school, which for this book, is around 2007-2008, so it correlates to future events. There are some references to past events where this year would make sense. Just note that it's not set in 2019

- I am kinda familiar with some of the school rules and things in the Uk, but some are inaccurate so pls forgive me

- They don't have YouTube channels in this point of time (they might have irl, but for this plot line, none of them have YouTube channels yet)

- Harry won't be coming into the book until much later on, so when I mention that there are 6 Sidemen in this plot line, it's because Harry isn't included in the story at that point of time

So now that y'all know the final details, let's begin yaYEET


edit: yeah um hi I'm editing this because I hate my writing style and I've improved a lil so I'm making some changes!! stay tuned for some better quality writing x

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