ZSL: Zombie Survival League

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I stagger through the darkened, ruined mess that was once Rose Street. The buildings are no more. There will be no survivors. Any former life form was exterminated. I can only hope that my brother, Dan, made it out before the infection hit. If he did, he may be able to find me. Save me. Get me out of this place. End this nightmare. As I make an attempt to walk in an straight line without falling over, I see a figure through the smog. I crouch, and try to recognize the unfamiliar person. If it is a person. I hear a familiar voice, calling my name. I recognize it immediately.


I crawl in the direction of the voice, trying to stay in control. But as he emerges from the ashes, he runs straight past me.

"Dan!" I scream. I reach out and try to grab his hand.

It doesn't work.

I didn't miss his hand, I just...

Went through it.

This can't be real.

I throw my head into the ashes, screaming;"WAKE UP! WAKE UP!WAKE UP!" Dan is moving on. I reluctantly follow him to a pile of ash. In it there is a small body.

"No... You're dead..."he whispers in a voice full of pain.

Then I realise. This body. With a bite in it's neck...

The body is me.

Chapter 1

-6 months earlier-

I wake up screaming. I hear Dan cry out in the next room. "Misty!" He runs into my room and flings himself onto me. We hug, then the realization starts.

"You were dead."

"I know."


"I was dead. In my dream."

"How can you dream about being dead?"

"I dunno, I was, like, a ghost or something. Like I was watching the dream. I saw me. Dead."

Dan hesitates. "I saw you dead."


"In my dream. Everything was all black and burnt. And you were dead."

"Is there anything you're not telling me?"

"You had a bite. In your neck."

"You're telling me we both had the same dream?"




"What if this dream," I hesitate.


"Isn't really a dream?"

Dan laughs,"You're joking, right?"

"Yeah. Sure."

"Just don't get upset over it. Your eyes have done that misty thing again."

When I'm upset or angry or scared, my eyes go all foggy and all you can make out is the pale blue iris. Hence my nickname, Misty. My real name is Elena Fox. I'm 14 and Dan's 16. My personality is, well, it's complicated. It splits about 6 ways. The only part of it that sticks is that I can't even trust myself. Like, ever.

I realise Dan's still waiting for me to respond and blush.

"What?" he asks curiously.

"Nothing," I shake my head. "What time is it?"

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