A little trouble. Only part

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5-0 story i do not own them
This is one of the first Hawaii 5-o stories I
wrote. This is the new series and this is while China and Kono were with the team
Comment is you like!

It was a dark and stormy afternoon in Hawaii.
The 5-0 task force were boarding up their office since a tropical storm was forming they were only missing Danny Williams. Since his x-wife was away with her new husband, danny was forced to watch and pick up his daughter from school in this weather.
Danny loved Grace that he did not mind going in 'death weather' as he called it to pick Grace up.
"Man have i told you how much we hate the rain. Right monkey." Danny called as he walked to the rest of the 5-0 task force members.
"Right Danno." Grace replied.
Monkey and danno were the nicknames they each had.
"Hey gracey." Steve replied.
"Hi uncle Steve, uncle Chin, Aunt Kono!" Called Grace as she gave them each hugs then winced in pain. Kono noticed the face.
"You okay grace?" Kono asked getting to her level.
"Why?" She asked which caught the other teams attention.
"Are you feeling okay, are you hurting?" Kono asked again.
"I am hungry so my stomach hurts."
"Hey gracey i think danno might have a snack in his office why dont you go and look if you dont find anything i have a few snack bars in my office." Steve told her since he noticed that Kono was worried about something. Grace ran off and the 5-0 gathered by Kono.
"Whats wrong Kono?" Chin asked.
"Something is up with Grace. She winced and grabbed her stomach a little bit it was hard to see but i saw it." Kono replied.
"She does that when she is hungry. But you dont think so.. do you?" Danny asked Kono.
"I dont know. You are probably right." Kono replied.
"Danno look!" Grace replied when she bounded into the main area with her arms full of little food items.
"Woah! You found treasure!" Chin exclaimed.
Grace beamed with pleasure.
The 5-0 gathered and ate some snacks when the power turned off and lightning flashed. Grace screamed and the 5-0 members grabed their guns to use the lights but made sure there were no bullets in till the light restored.
"Well the back up generator works." Replied chin.
"Okay well lets try and sleep, keep the lights on, so we know if lights go out again. Kono i want you to keep your gun unloaded. The rest will be loaded.
The 5-0 settled down with Grace on Steves Couch and steve on the floor in his office while danny slept in the main room with Chin and Kono.
Grace awoke with a stomach ache.
"Uncle steve.. uncle steve.. ah!"Grace shouted is surprised when steve bolted up and had his gun amied as he looked around once seeing that there was no one but a slightly scared Grace he put his gun away.
"Whats wrong Grace? Are you okay?" Steve asked as he looked at her.
"My stomach hurts." She replied.
"Okay let me get the team up, or is it minor. Is it a stomach ache?" Steve asked as he sat by Grace.
"Ya." Grace replied.
"Do you feel sick to your stomach?"
"You mean feel like i am going the vomit."
"Ya Grace."
"A little." Grace replied.
"Let me grab danno then okay." Steve asked as he got up.
Steve walked over to Danny and knelt down.
"Danny.. wake up.. its Grace." Steve told him quietly.
Danny bolted up quickly.
"What do you mean? She okay?!" Danny asked.
"Her stomach is bothering her." Steve replied.
"Okay, do you have any stomach meds?" Danny asked.
"Yes in the First Aid kit i will grab it."  Steve answered.
Danny went to Grace and steve steped around Kono but she heard him.
"Steve.. you okay?" Kono asked groggy.
"Grace does not feel good. Me and danny are working it, you can sleep if you want." Steve answered.
"Na bro, if she dont feel good i can help, remember i am the girl of the team. Should  i wake Chin?" Kono asked.
"Let him sleep if we need him we will awake him." Steve replied as he finnished grabbing the first aid kit.
"How do you feel Grace?" Kono asked as she came over.
"I feel sick aunt Kono."
"You feel like vomiting?" Kono asked.
"Feels like its moving." Grace replied.
" In your stomach?"
"Starting to. I dont feel very good. My stomach is turning fast." Grace started to cry.
"Danny, grab me the trash can. Shh i know you dont feel good. You might feel better though." Kono hugged her as danny grabed the trash.
"I dont want to get sick." Grace cried.
"I know, close your eyes and breath, if you do by the time you stop you wont see it."
"I really dont feel soo good." Grace started as she suddenly panted for a breath.
"Slow your breathing down close your eyes and lean foward a little it might look dark but dont worry." Kono told her as she placed the trash in front of her face.
Grace suddenly vomited and started to cry. Danny sat and rubbed her back while kono held her hair. Steve had water for her and Chin awoke to the sound of vomiting.
"What happened?!" Chin asked as he hurried into Steve's office to see Grace vomiting and Danny and kono supporting Grace while Steve held the trash and gave grace water.
"Dont know, she woke me saying she had a stomach ach and felt sick, kono and danny came in then grace puked." Steve replied.
"Does she have a fever?" Chin looked at kono.
"Shes not warm." Kono answered as she felt Graces forehead.
"How do you feel?" Chin asked Grace as he knelt down.
"A bit better." Grace replied
"Drink some water then you can lay down. We can all move into the main room if you want Grace, or whoever you want can stay here." Steve asked.
"Kono, will..will you stay?" Asked Grace.
"Sure." Kono asked supprised to be asked.
"Is that okay Danno?" Asked Grace.
"Sure monkey, kono can stay, if you feel sick let her know." Danny told her as he kissed graces head, he wanted to stay but kono was a girl and grace needed one. Steve gave kono a new trash can that was clean.
Steve ,Chin and danny went back to the main room while Kono placed the can by Graces head and layed down.
The 5-0 fell asleep quickly while Grace tossed and turned. Before Grace could call to Kono she had grabed the bucket and started to breath deep while hugging the bucket. Grace sat up and carefully kicked kono in the arm to wake her. Kono opened her eyes to see Grace hugging the trash and breathing deep.
"Grace do you feel sick.?" Kono asked as she got up and sat by her.
"Dont feel so good, thought it was coming up again but it seems to be going down again." Grace replied as she loosened her grip on the trashcan.
"Here drink a little water, do you want Danno?" Kono asked.
"No.. i just want to sleep." Replied Grace.
You want to sleep down here so you be by me or up here still?"
"Up here, if do puke i wont get the floor too much. I really hope i dont though." Grace answered.
"Well you handled it well just keep this near in case and you can wake me if you need." Kono told her as she moved back to the floor.
Grace nodded and layed back down.
Then grace got a little scared when the lights flickered. She forgot the storm that was outside.
While everyone slept Grace started felling sick in a different way. Knowing that she did not need to tell kono yet grace quickly but quietly made her way to the bathroom to relieve her self of the next unpleasant and sudden ill feeling.
Grace finishes  feeling slightly sicker she flushes and goes back to the office seeing that no one heard the unpleasant sound that she had made in the bathroom.
Grace layed back down seeing that Kono was still asleep. Grace was able to fall asleep till suddenly with no warning she turned, grabed the bucket and vomited. Surprisingly Kono slept through it.
"Ko...kono..." Grace cryed as she taped her while still holding the bucket near her.
Kono awoke to to hear grace and to see grace crying.
"Grace! Whats wrong?!" She asked as she got up and sat by her.
"I... it happened too fast.. i could not stop it." Grace cried and pointed to the trash with vomit in it.
"Grace its okay, dont worry, does anything elts feel sick?" Kono asked as she gave water to her.
"A few miniutes ago it came out fast the other direction like a fart, though..." grace did not finnish cause she started crying.
"You mean you farted water?" Kono asked but knew what she ment.
"Ya." Grace answered.
"Okay dont worry. I want you to lay down and i am going to talk to uncle Chin and Danno." Kono told her.
Grace layed down and Kono walked out.
Kono went strait to Chin.
"Cuz.. cuz wake up." Kono shook Chin awake.
"Kono.. whats wrong." Chin asked trying to wake up.
"Its grace... shh dont wake them up yet... first i think you might know what is wrong with Grace."
"Kono... what do you mean?"
"She had vomiting and diarrhea... thinking what i am?" Kono asked Chin.
"Food poisoning?" Chin asked
"Yup." Kono agreed.
"There is tea in my office, i keep it there in case i need it. Make some with the Lana leaf that is in there. I will look at Grace." Chin told her as he got up glad to see that steve and danny were still sleeping.
"How ya doin gracey?" Chin asked as he knelt down.
"Uncle Chin." Grace replied.
"Hey, gracey can you tell me if you have any pain in your stomach?"Chin asked.
"Ya." Grace answered.
"Okay, do you still feel sick?"
"Okay well i have kono getting you a special Hawaiian medicine tea that my grandma made me when i was sick like you." Chin told her.
"You had my moving stomach and watery farts?" Grace asked Chin.
"Yup." Anwsered Chin
"Here Grace drink this. It might make your stomach come up again but then take another sip and it will make you feel soo much better." Kono told grace as she handed her the mug.
Chin held the trash by Grace while she drank the tea. Kono was right cause Grace did throw up the tea again but then drank the rest and then layed down. Chin looked at his watch and read the time 4:28 Am.
Chin looked at Grace to see that she was sleeping and then saw Kono sleeping with Grace in her arms. Chin snapped a picture then layed back down in the other room.
He had also noticed that the storm had cleared and the moon was bright.
So he got up again and took the boards down and then layed down and fell back asleep.
Danny and Steve were up before the others at 7.
Danny and steve walked into Steve's office to see that Grace and Kono were sleeping together. Danno and steve also noticed that the trash had vomit in it. While steve cleaned it out he saw red he took a sample then replaced the can. Danny and steve walked out after leaving a note on the computer desk to tell them that they went to get some sprite for Grace.
"Looks like grace and Kono had a long night. I think Chin was helping them too. Did you see the coffee mug it had lapaʻau kī (medicated tea) in it. Chin had told me that it helps for stomach aches when i caught him drinking it." Steve told danny as they pulled out to the road from the HQ heading to their local store.
"I wonder if Grace feels better if not i am taking her to the hospital. Why did they not wake us?" Danny asked as they got out of the car to head into the store.
"Kono probably knew that she could handle it, besides Chin has had the same thing she had." Steve answered as they reaches the soda isle and grabed some sprite and a coke. They went to the check out and then left.
"DANNO!" Called Grace when she saw danny walk in to the 5-0 HQ.
"Monkey! How ya feeling, you have a rough night?" Danny asked her daughter.
"Ya, i had a moving stomach with watery farts. Uncle Chin gave me meds. At first it made me sick but then i felt better i fell asleep in Aunt Konos arms. I slipped out 5 miniutes ago to see that u were gone Uncle Chin and Aunt Kono are still sleeping." Grace replied.
"Why dont we let them sleep. We can hang out in my office and you can have some sprite and can talk while they sleep. In a few hours or so we can wake them up." Danny told them and he turned the lights out and walked into Danny's office. Two hourse later Chin stirred awake.
"Uncle Chin! Your awake!" Grace called as she ran to him when he was aware of his surroundings. He gave grace a big hug and lifted her off the ground electing a laugh out of Grace.
"Uncle Chin that hurt!." Grace replied.
"Oh sorry how do you feel?" Chin asked.
"Better! Think my stomach hurts because of the watery stomach that i had." Grace answered.
"I think your right.  Where Aunt Kono?" Chin asked.
"Still sleeping. We were about to wake her." Grace answered.
"Go wake her up i am going to talk to danny and steve." Chin told her.
Grace ran to Steve's office.
Chin headed to Danny's office.
Grace quietly walked into Steve's office and tapped Konos arm. Kono awoke with a start.
"Grace you okay! Do you feel sick?" Kono asked.
"I am okay now Aunt Kono. Uncle Chins tea helped." Grace answered.
"Well i am soo glad to hear that! Where   are the men?" Kono asked.
"In Danny's office." Grace answered.
"Lets see what they are up to." Kono told her as she got up and took Graces hand.
"Hey! Look who got up!" Danny told as Kono walked in with Grace.
"Ya, i must have been tired." Kono replied with a yawn.
"Dont blame you cuz you were up almost the whole night with Grace." Chin replied.
"Thanks guys, for helping Grace, it means alot. Do you know what was wrong?" Danny asked.
"Food poisoning brah. Pretty bad but i used an old Hawaiian tea that i have had when i had it." Chin anwsered. Steve needed to talk to chin.
"And no thanks needed. We are Ohana! And that means we take care of each other." Kono also replied as she looked at Grace.
"I think it was from a tuna sandwich that someone gave me at school. It tasted odd."Grace suddenly thought.
"Did you get it from someone?" Steve asked.
"Ya, it was from a bully that i thought was becoming nice again, but now i think she gave it to me on purpose." Grace anwsered.
"Would you like danno to talk to her?"
"Chin can i talk to you?" Steve asked.
"Sure brah... whats up?" Asked chin outside the office.
"I think grace is more sick then letting on." Steve started.
"What do you mean?" Chin asked concerned.
"Look." Steve told him as he took the bag that contained what lookes to be like blood in vomit.
"Is that blood? And is that Grace's?" Chin asked.
"I think so. I have sent some to Fong for analysis. We need to keep an eye on her." Steve told Chin.
"I can do a quick check." Chin offered.
"How with out getting her scared?"
"Watch." Chin replied as they went back to Danny's office.
"Hey grace can i do a quick look at you again?"
"Why uncle Chin?" Grace asked.
"I want to make sure that nothing is wrong. You got sick a few times. It wont take long. I had to get it done too when i had it." Chin replied as he came to her.
"Okay." Grace accepted.
Chin went to her side and layed her on the couch and pressed on her stomach in places.
"Does this hurt? Or here? What about here?" Chin asked as he pressed in various spots. Then he pressed on the lower right side of her stomach. She closed her eyes as if she was in pain.
"Ow uncle Chin that hurt." Grace replied.
"Okay i am done." Chin replied and gave the three other members a look to tell them go outside the office. Danny told grace they needed to talk about a case they had to work on.
They team went outside.
"Her stomach is a little tender but she showed signs of pain in her lower right quadrant. That could indicate appendicitis or its just tender. I cant tell unless she pukes more blood. I dont want her to vomit though... it could hurt her more." Chin explained. Danny looked white.
"Other ways are a little more severe and gross. " Steve anwsered.
"Since her stomach is tender from puking i say take her home and keep a close eye on her. If there is a bleed then it can go down hill fast. "Chin advised.
Danny decided to take her home. The storm long gone. When danny arrived to his house he immediately knew something was wrong. Befor he could tell grace to stay she was headed to the door but she saw the door broken in.
"Danno..." grace quietly called.
Danny came to her with his gun drawn and told her to stay put but before anything could be done danny felt a cloth put over his nose and mouth and saw grace already limp in a masked-mans arms. Danny tryed to fight and he knew that he hit someone when his gun went off and he heard a male voice shout in pain but soon the drug won and danny fell limp to the ground. The men put them into a "Sammie's cleaner and steamer" van and left like nothing had happened. Even though one of their members were dead.
It was a long bumpy ride to the detective he was awake but made sure the kidnappers thought he was still out. He heard 3 voices talking all males.
Danny felt every bump which told him that they were on a gravel road. He really wanted to open his eyes to see how his grace was. He also wanted to know who was holding them captive but he did not want to risk the chance of the captors knoticing that he was awake. He really hoped the steve would go to his house.
5-0 HQ
"Hey steve?" Kono asked as she entered Steve's office.
"Yes kono?" Steve asked as he looked up from his paperwork.
"Me and Chin are headed to Danny's to give him some tea and to see how Grace is. Want to come?" Kono asked.
"No you go ahead. Have to finnish the paperwork." Steve told her.
"Okay call if u need something." Kono told him as she headed out. Steve just nodded.
Chin and kono drove to danny's.
"... chin!" Kono suddenly exclamed.
Kono noticed a man on Danny's lawn. Chin stoped and they both grabbed their guns and ran to the man.
"Dead. Looks like a GS to the chest." Kono told her cousin.
"Kono." Chin replied when he saw the broken door. They went in to the house with guns aimed they found each room tossed. No one inside. Grace and danny were missing.
"I'll call steve and HPD. Can u get CSU out here to prosses this place and get Max." Chin told Kono as he put his gun away. 10 miniutes later kono and chin see Steve's blue Silverado with lights flashing pull up behind a HPD cruiser.
"Chin, Kono! What happened!" Steve asked.
"I think danny and grace were kidnapped. The man there killed by a gun shot to the chest. There was a struggle outside and the house is tossed like a sack of potatoes. We found no tire tracts and only one bullet which killed our John Doe." Chin replied as he updated steve.
"Max, do you know who this man is?" Steve asked.
"A man by the name of Eman Qui. He is native lives in Maui. Has a small rap sheet, armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon and breaking and entering. Got out of prison 2 years ago." Max replied.
"He is now graduated to kidnapping. Max do you know what caliber bullet that killed him?"
"Police issue." Max told them.
"Danny fired his gun and killed him." Kono told them surprised.
"Commander i did find slight traces of chloroform on his hands." Max interrupted.
"So they drugged them." Chin replied.
"Chin, did'nt grace have a possible stomach bleed?" Kono suddenly asked.
"Yes, oh no! Chloroform could cause a big bleed if she had a small one. We need to find them and fast!" Chin told them.
"Kono go around this neighborhood and see if anyone heard or saw anything. Put these on then radio in if you have something. Chin can you head to HQ and pull up info on this man i want some other names that this guy knows." Steve told them as he handed them radios with ear pieces.
"Sure boss." Kono anwsered as she headed to houses.
Chin left to go back to the HQ and steve went to talk to max before he left. Kono did find a witness. It was sketchy but Kono decided to bring her in.
"Hey boss this is Leah and she saw something the same time Danny and Grace went missing." Kono introduced a woman mid 50's.
"I saw three men dressed in black in a van.. cant recall the name but it was some sort of cleaner vans... any way they broke in to the mans house then a silver camaro  drove up and a little girl came out but then stoped and a shorter man the father i guess he was a cop cause he had a gun but before he could leave a man placed a white cloth on their mouths then the little girl went limp and the cop fought the man and his gun went off hitting one man then the cop went limp. They threw them into the van and drove off like they were there for a routine clean."
"What house do you live in?" Steve asked.
"Three doors down." Leah replied.
"Thank you ma'am. I also would like to warn you if you were seen then you could be in danger. We would like to have an unmarked uniform follow you till we catch this man." Steve asked.
"Do what you want  but i think i am fine... no one saw me." She answered.
"24 hours i will give you a full police detail. Then every few hours i will have a unmarked vehicle around. We dont know who we are dealing with so i dont want to take any chances." Steve told her.
"Thats fine young man. Thank you." The woman replied.
"Thank you for your help." Steve also answered.
"I will have chin walk you to your car." Steve told her when he nodded to Chin he walked foward.
Chin left with Leah and  kono, steve and Grover all gathered around the computer table and looked at a map that showed danny and leah's house.
"So the van parked here and at the same time Leah was watering her plants by the window indoor and saw the men break into Danny's. She carefuly observed the fight and was going to call and then saw me and chin arrive so she decided to play it safe and waited till cops showed up. Thats when i showed up and you know it from there.. she says the van carrying danny and Grace headed down the road and turned left." Kono explained as she drew on the map to show how the struggle went down.
"So as of now we have no sightings of the van?"
"The van was just found by a motorist who heard about the alert. It was abandoned in a ally near Kalakaua avenue. CSU is dusting for prints but nothing yet. They did find some hair samples and they beleive its Danny's and grace. Good news no blood which makes me beleive that they are still alive." Chin anwsered as he entered the room.
Danny was getting a bit motion sick. He was not sure if it was from thw drug or the bumpy road. They had changed cars someway back then they  were carried a few feet to another car that seemed a little bigger. Grace had not sounded in any way which was starting to worry him. Danny took a risk and opened his eyes and did a quick glance around.
''Big van probably stolen, three males, howleys, grace is still out. Feels like were climbing. Might be to the... Kaʻala mountian range. Lot of cabins there.' Danny thought to him self but quickly shut his eyes when he saw the heads move.
"I cant believe they are still out. Maybe we used more chloroform then we thought. Well lets hope the boss will be happy. The package has arrived alive." One man told the others.
"Ya but we lost Eman."
"The guy shot him. Though i did not find any wallet in him so i dont know who he was. We were told to grab the man driving a camaro and that he was going to that address."
"He is McGarrett Head of 5-0 taskforce ." The boss of the hit replied.
'dang they thought i am steve!!' Danny thought
"Does McGarrett have a daughter?" A man asked.
"I dont know." The third replied.
The car became quiet.
A few miniutes later the van arrived and danny decided to "wake up".
"So he is now awake. Does the boss want him?" A man asked.
"No put them into the cellar." A new voice sounded.
Danny and grace were placed in a cold cellar and there were no windows just lights inside. Grace was stirring which helped danny relax a little till grace suddenly rolled over and threw up.
"Grace! Monkey? Can you hear me?"
"Dann..danno?" Grace asked.
"Ya monkey its me.. are you okay?" Danny asked.
"My stomach hurts bad again."
"Dont worry we will be out soon."
Danny walked around to see if he could find a way out if this mess.
He did find a loose floor board and to see that it was dirt under the wood and it was crawl space and then danny got an idea.
Before they could get in to plan some one came through the door.
"Jason! I thought you were dead." Danny replied shocked
"Sorry detective. I cant let you kill me that easily. I also do know that my team took you and your daughter by accidental and hope for no hard feelings. I will try to make you comfortable." Jason explained.
"Hard feeling!! You kidnapped me and my daughter you so..... never mind but why?" Danny nearly exploded but with Grace he did not want to curse.
"I needed your partner to suffer but this works.  I now have leverage agains McGarrett. Dont worry little Gracie i wount hurt you as long as your father does as he is told." Jason told him then went to graces curled up form.
"Leave her alone she is sick.. she needs a hospital! Let her get help and keep me." Danny pleaded.
  "You know i cant do that. She has seen my face. Why dont we give a call to uncle steve and see if we can do a trade." Jason asked.
Grace nodded.
Jason took them both into a space with a camera. Jason set grace on a chair and cuffed Danny to the chair.
A tv screen turned on and a call went through to the 5-0 HQ.
...5-0 HQ...
The 5-0 force was gathered around the computer when it suddenly went to Skype and then the screen showed grace in a chair and danny standing by it. Jason went on but put a ski mask on.
"Commander! I have your parter and his daughter! Do as i say and they live! Try anything and they die! Seems like little grace is sick... dont want her to get worse. If you want her to live you will set a trade, i want you and i give her."
"Where but first i want to talk to grace and danny."
A few seconds later Grace went on.
"Uncle steve! Please help me! I dont feel well. My stomach hurts! I want that tea that uncle Chin made and i want to go home." Grace cryed but at the same time grace used a hand and signed letters. J A S O N.  Steve knoticed the hand motion. Unfortunately Steve and his team were not aloud to speak.
"You have 2 hours to decide. I will text you from Danny's phone." Jason told him then the screen when black.
"Kono run a search cross type danny with the name Jason. Grace signed the letters." Steve reacted fast.
"She knows ASL?" Chin asked.
"She did. Danny told me." Steve answered.
"Did'nt Jason, assuming it is his name say that Grace was sick?" Kono asked.
"Your right kono. Steve what if she does have appendicitis. If it burst she can die!" Chin told them.
"There is a man named Jason Kemah and he was arrested by danny in NJ and he has a sheet: armed robbery, drug trafficing, human trafficing, illegal weapon holding and selling." Kono explained.
"Do we have a address?"
"A home in Kahala but have not been lived in years. No other places."
"We need to work fast. Chin head to Kahala and ask if any one has seen Jason. Kono head back to the crime scene and follow the route... if you find anything call in to me... i will be talking to kamakona." Steve ordered.
Two hours later Steve had finally got a address on where Danny and Grace was.
Half an hour before the rest of 5-0 get there Danny is getting very worried. Grace hardly talks and is in constant pain.
"Grace.. you okay?" Danny asked as he held her.
"Dann.danno. Re..remember when I told you that I was better... m.. my stomach is worse that earlier.." Grace painfully told him.
"Grace why did you not tell me?" He asked.
"Thought I was fine. I.." suddenly Grace stoped and heaved and threw up, there was blood. Grace then passed out. Danny called for help unknowingly that Steve and the 5-0 along with HPD were about to breach the compound.
Danny closed he's eyes when he heard gunshots sand yelling he looked up to see his partner and Kono standing by him.
"Help Grace! Her appendix burst I think a few minutes ago. Kono grabbed unconscious grace and rushed to the hospital while Steve helped Danny out to be looked at by paramedics.
A few minutes later Danny was waiting to hear about Graces condition.
The doctor came out with a big smile.
"She will be just fine, we caught it in time and she will be good in a week."
Danny cried again but this time happy tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2017 ⏰

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