Chapter 1

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I won't have a long note. This is just something I have been working on for awhile.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia.

Arthur never pursued anyone. He prefered to have one night stands, maybe do the same person twice. Gilbert told him that pursuing just wasn't his 'style'. Arthur knew someone eventually would probably enter his life and he would settle down but not in community college. It all started with that dreaded Calculus class.

He had wanted to take Stats but the classes had all be full so he was stuck with Calc. He sighed in bored as he awaited all the students to arrive.

"Mon ami, I thought you were taking Stats?"

"You frog, the classes were full." Francis took a seat.

"Calc won't be that bad, I am sure." Then he turned away when Gilbert walked in.

"Look, there is Birdie!" Arthur glanced over to see that Gilbert was having at his friend Matthew. A lot of people expected to get together but Arthur knew Gil's true feelings and it wasn't for the Canadian. Arthur suspected that Matthew might have a thing for Francis, though only God knows why. Matthew came up to them, smiling.

"Hey everyone." Matthew let his gaze linger on Francis for a bit until Gilbert broke the trance.

"Yo, Birdie who is that with you?" Matthew turned and smiled at the boy who was hiding Matthew.

"This is Alfred, my younger brother." Arthur glanced over at the boy who was being fawned over by Francis. The boys had a blush on his cheeks. And those eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes.

"Alfred this is my friend, Gilbert and his friends Francis and Arthur. Is Antonio not in this class?"

"No, he is in a different class." The sentence was short so Arthur knew that Antonio had class with Lovino. Arthur turned his eyes back to blue eyed beauty only to be surprised that Alfred was staring at him. It was then that the teacher came in, and broke the trance. Matthew said his goodbyes and led Alfred away. Arthur closed his eyes and sighed out of his nose.

"Arthur, are you alright?"


"What is wrong?" Arthur didn't answer, but for the first time Arthur Kirkland wanted to pursue. Pursue the boy with blue eyes.

Alfred stood by the parking lot, watching for his mom. Matthew had to stay behind so thier mom was picking him up. Alfred had his phone out as his friend Feli was blowing up his phone with pictures of Pookie, Feli's cat. There is a honk, and Alfred grabs his things and runs to the car and hops in.

"Hello, sweetie. How was school today?" Alfred buckled up and grinned.

"Highschool was the normal but my college classes are great! I have three of my classes with Mattie and one class with this really nice guy named Toris."

"That is nice, dear. Oh and text your brother to see if he will be home for dinner."

"Okay." Alfred does so. Matthew texts right back.

"He says no. He said that the team is going out to eat." Alfred's mom made a face but said nothing.

"Well, tell him not to stay out to late." Alfred does so. The rest of the car ride was Alfred still getting pictures of Feli's cat and Kiku asking him if wanted to borrow a game.

After dinner was over and cleaned up, Alfred found himself in his room laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling his fidget cube in his fingers. For some strange reason, as soon as Alfred was alone with his thoughts, Alfred'a thought process ended back up at that boy with the green eyes in three of his classes. Such a beautiful shade of green.

And for another strange reason, Alfred wanted that green.

Well that is done. What do you guys think? On my notebook I made the story go by really fast so I want to stretch it out a bit longer. Anyways, this is the first part of The Boy with Blue Eyes. Also, please adore the awesome cover that my writer buddy created for me. RandomHamiltalian

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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