I was a tree, living near a creature with two legg's cave. One day, lots of creature with two legs came to me, they were holding skin and flesh of my kind. Can you imagine some random creature put skin and flesh of your kind on your branch? I feel sorry for that tree. Later, the creature with two legs used something shiny and sharp to glue the skin and flesh on me. All I felt was pain.
A few days later, on my branch, sat a cave that the creature with two legs live, a small size creature with two legs crawled on me and then into the cave. Pain rises once again, I felt my branch was breaking, it fell, so did the creature with two legs in the cave. I saw red stuff beside me, then lots of creature with two legs came, the ones who glued the cave on me. They held something shiny, sharp, and somehow I know they are here to sley me down. I couldn't do anything, I can't move. They swing the sharp and shiny thing at me, I fell to the ground.
Those creatures with two legs made me to a white thin thing. I didn't do anything, why are they doing this to me? I believe you are one of them, the creature with two legs. I will avenge myself, my kind! And of course, I will start with you. Remember I am watching you, RIGHT NOW, and I will hunt you down.