Baby Blues

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It was a party.

I swear I fought tooth and nail to avoid this kind of scene where I have to stand by the side and smile politely at all these idiots when I was dying to splash cold drinks over their faces to ward off the stupidity but Mom was too strong for me. I never could fight her off anyway.

I sighed and walked down the pool where there was less people and sipped my juice in peace. I glanced around. Most of these people are Sparrows.. No wonder they flock here. Must've felt suffocating inside. Besides, what kind of idiot hosts a party for both Crows and Sparrows? That's like inviting danger to your door.

Everybody knows that Crows and Sparrows don't get along since some Crows tend to be carnivorous and eats off Sparrows' life force. I suppose they could feed off of other AniSouls but I don't know why they spesifically prefer us.

Damn carnivors.

I crunched my plastic cup and stood to throw them away. When I turned to head back inside, I bumped into someone's shoulder. "Ah. Sorry." I apologized. "No, no. It's my bad. Should've seen where I was going. You alright, little lady?" a gruff voice replied, his tone somewhat chilling with amusement. Excuse me? Little lady? I am well above legal age to be betrothed mind you! I look up to see this rude man's face and froze when I met his eyes.

He's a Crow.

I stood my ground and haughtily held his gaze. The wicked gleam in his dark eyes twinkled. He seemed to be around 20-something with his two layered suit and shiny shoes. Probably a brand-head by the look of it as I noticed his Armani labelled coat and soft blue shirt. He smirked at the show of my defiance. "If you will excuse me, I need to go back inside." I said, instinctively steeling my tone. As I maneuvered around him, he grabbed my wrist just as I was walking away and jerked me to a stop. "What the hell- "How about you accompany me outside for a while? The wind is breezy, as you Sparrows prefer it, yes? I'm sure whatever you need to do can hold for a bit." He said, order clear in his voice and he squeezed my wrist painfully, adding the effect on the order. Motherfu- who does he think he is?! Grabbin' people's wrist like it's his goddamn business! I raged in my head and turned to him with an angry frown. I snapped my wrist from him easily, knowing he wouldn't expect me to. His eyes widened in surprise. Most expects Sparrows to be timid and weak but hell if I'm going to be.

"I don't know who the hell do you think you are, Mister, but I ain't doin' nothin' nor goin' anywhere with you. My Mom taught me better. Now if you please freakin' excuse me, I need to get the hell away from you. Is that better?" I snapped and stomped away, careful not to let him see how desperate my feet were to dash a thousand steps away from the creeper.

From behind, I could feel his animalistic eyes boring into the back of my head and I surpressed the chilling shiver crawling on my skin. It's as if I could almost hear his whisper ; Delicious...

"Rose? Rose, are you alright? You look pale.." Mom said. Her face had worry lines on her forehead as she checked my body temperature. "Do I? Must be a bit cold from the outside." I said, shrugging. "You don't feel like you're going with a fever.. Check your life force. Maybe you ate something wrong." She ordered and I exhaled. I ignored the other's presence except from Mom and imagined a little sand bottle at the centre of my existence. I feel the baby blue sand inside was a tad lesser than when I stepped out of house this morning with Mom.

That's odd... Usually we can sense if we're sick or anything by checking the colour, the temperature, the size of the imaginary sand inside us that is seen as the equivalent form of a life force. But the amount is only lessened when you have a chronic disease that will slowly drain your life force.. Or when a predator sucks it out by force out of your body. I jerked awake.

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