Good Bye

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You’re fading fast.

I beg of you not to go.

Although you say your end is near,

My memories of you are crystal clear.

So far they’re saying your seconds are numbered.

But I know that can’t be the case,

That can’t be the case.

You always said you’re a fighter.

You always said you could survive anything.

Yet here you are, slowly being pulled away from my grasp.

I briefly hear you mummer,

Telling me to remember ,

All the Adventures we had.

All the fun we had.

I vaguely feel you grip my hand.

And Whisper in my ear,

“Look  at me once more, for one more final glance,”

I stare at your face,

what was once so full of color and joy,

Is now so pale,

Like a dark blue moon on a cold winter night.

The face of what was once a innocent 20 year old man,

now resembles the face of a dying old man.

I bite my tongue, as you close your eyes

And whisper my final goodbyes

As the tears I can no longer hold back stream down my face.

“Don’t forget me,” you say,

In a voice so weak, I wouldn’t have recognized it to be yours.

A voice so weak, so close to death.

“I’ll never forget,” Is all I can reply.

There are a million things I want to tell you,

How much I love you,

How much I want you to stay with me,

How if I could, I would die for you,

Yet all I can say is those 3 stupid words.

Your eyes open for a split second,

And a small smile creeps across your face,

As if you can hear my thoughts.

But a task so simple as smiling and opening your eyes,

proved to be too much for your weak body to handle.

A machine goes off.

And doctors come running in,

faster then death finding its next victim.

I grab your hand begging you not to leave me.

Although you don’t say anything,

I feel a faint squeeze that could only be from your hand.

But then it goes limp.

And everything stops.

Your breathing slows until it,

 Like you, is no more.

The machines becomes quiet. 

And like your heart,

The world seems to have stopped.

For what seems to be an eternity,

we sit in complete silence.We sit in shock.

But nothing last forever, and before we know it,

another Docter comes in.

But this time not for you, 

for me.

“I’m sorry, but you need to leave now,”

I nod my head, and go to stand up.

But I do not move,

I can only stare at your face,

which now looks so calm.

All the pain has escaped you,

when you escaped my grasp on you,

trying to help you hold on,

to help you stay here with me.

But my thoughts are interrupted by a voice. 

“Ma’am, I’m sorry but you need to leave.”

And with that,

I take one final glance,

whisper goodbye for good,

and leave.

With the tears streaming down my face,

and not looking back once.

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