A Story Written Over the Course of a Few Minutes

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As you open the door, a stream of bees fly out. You panic at the prospect of getting stung, but you have been bitten before. Those motherfuckers don't know that you are immune. Pressing forward, you enter the room to which you just opened the door

to--the one that unleashed the bees. Inside the room you find a small table with a spoon and a fork. You pick the spoon. A trapdoor opens beneath you, leading you to a room with gelatin walls. You use the spoon the eat the gelatin, somewhat thankful

that you didn't choose the fork. The fork would've probably led to a more disgusting choice--one that I couldn't think of. Making an opening in the gelatin wall, you find yourself in a small, stonewall room. You find some dynamite that was conveniently 

in your pocket the whole time, as well as a lighter. You light the dynamite. You die in the explosion. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2014 ⏰

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