My life hasn't been the best,it has its own Glarious Highs and Ghastly Flows. I met different people with different personalities and values. I have been through a lot and some of these people stayed real and true with me. As a teen,I felt in love. Three years ago,I had a crush on some lovely young man. I really loved him....and still does. We became together ,he did love me but not as I did nor do. It was so unusual that TEENS AFFAIRS became strong,like mine and his. He was there when I needed him the most. We used to laugh together,cry together and play together but this is all in the past. We had our countless breakups but we never stopped loving each other. My life became confusing:having a relationship yet not knowing statics of "True Love". I sometimes felt like he was My Ideal partner. At times I wonder why my love life isn't stable....arghh! The ones I love usually turn their backs on me,they tear my heart into piece,they make the love I have for them FADE. My love life is ain't interesting but a great story to tell. I sometimes wish I was married,having twins and having a job together with my needs.Its so funny how I see myself as a Wife Material whereas my love life is just something else.
Enough about my love life,I'm having people around me who bring out the best out of me....My Friends. These people are so inspiring, loving and kind. If it wasn't for them surely depression would have striked,I so love my friends. I am defined as a young ,beautiful lady who knows her worth. I have these figures that almost everyone desire,trust me when I say I'm one of a kind. I never compete myself with anyone but that girl behind the mirror. I do have role models but I want to be a role model of the next generation. I'm sure you now think you know me but no you don't because this is ain't even an introduction about me.NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER.