All My Reasons

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When we had been dating for awhile, and we both had said those 3 little words, you always asked me to tell you reasons why I loved you. But I couldn’t ever come up with any good reasons, and I didn’t think I needed to list any, and now, you’re gone, so I just need to tell you; Here are my reasons why... 

I still remember the day that you asked me to go out with you. It was one of the best days of my life, even now, thinking back on it. You asked me to go to the park with you after school, and I did. Me, expressing my protests of you pushing me on the merry-go-round by shrieking and laughing, and you laughing at me, and after that, I vowed to never ever, over my dead body, let you do that again. Even though it was fun. Then I confessed that, and you did it again, despite my protests. You had stopped the merry-go-round so that some little kids could get on and grabbed my hand, leading me to the swings, and you kissed me there in front of everyone. 

Another date we had, you took me to the beach, and threatened to throw seaweed at me, which I thought was absolutely disgusting. But you did it anyway just to watch me run across the beach you said, screaming at you that I was going to kick your butt. I never did, I loved you too much. You had picked up a whole bunch of shells later on that day as we walked around the beach as an apology. I put them all in a jar and sat them on the table in my apartment.

We had a fight in the middle of August, when we’d been dating for about 5 months. You made me so mad that I threw that jar of shells at you. I missed of course, you always said that I had bad aim. I ended up forgiving you later on that day, and you felt so bad that went out into the pouring rain to the beach and got me whole other jar of shells. They’re still sitting on my table, right where the first ones were. To be honest, I kind of wish you were here so I could throw them at you again. 

I always told you that I loved carousels at carnivals. And you always had the same response and said that they were too expensive and the games were a rip-off, but you took me to the carnival every day it was open, just to take me to that carousel. One of the best days we had was when it rained and we were the only ones there. You even had the manager give you a job and a key to run the carousel so you could take me there whenever you wanted. That was one of my favorite things, and you always teased me about being a little kid, and I knew that you secretly loved the carousel too, you just wouldn’t admit it to me. 

There are so many things I could list, but we’ll just start from the beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2014 ⏰

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