Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to the amazing people in my life.

I take a deep breath before I soar across the room, spinning gracefully as I do so. My heart is in the sky; my breath is steady yet wild at the same time.  I close my eyes and feel the air rushing past my ears, the music sweeps through me and I feel light as a feather. Then my feet hit the ground, I bend, then extend and skip off, back to the normal world.

I’ve always felt very much at home on the dance floor.  I have home videos of a four year old version of myself fluttering and leaping around my room.

“Look at me! I’m doing ballet!” I would cry gleefully, in a little world of my own.

By the time I was five my parents had decided to enrol me in ballet classes.  I always anticipated Saturdays when I could finally let myself go and dance to my hearts content. I found it easy to pick up new and complicated moves and had memorised all the positions by nine years of age. I performed on multiple stages and got solo parts too. I was always the youngest in my class as I raced ahead of everyone else my own age.  I always have and always will think of ballet as more than a hobby. Ballet is my life, my soul, my dreams and my future. My life.

I run into school, late as per usual. I try to sneak into the back of the room and slide into my seat, but my teacher catches me.

“Late again, Rosella?” Miss Bennett sighs.

I try to apologise, try to explain I was practising plies and pirouettes on the way to school and forgot the time but Miss won’t let me. I hang my head and prepare myself for yet another detention. But instead Miss tells me to speak to her at the end of the lesson. I nod and slip into my chair.

“Alright ballet girl?” My best friend Peter nudges me.

I dismiss his question by giving him my ‘go away’ look. He simply smiles before the bell for our first class goes. I try to escape my talk and run out the door but Miss catches me out.


“Yes Miss...” I frown and drag my feet up to her desk.

“I’m going to let you in on a little secret” Miss Bennett grins.

I look up startled. What kind of secret could this be? God I hope it’s not embarrassing.

“I used to be a ballerina.” She revealed.

Whoa, not what I was expecting! I study her. She’s small and plump and the least bit graceful!

“Now I know what you’re thinking! Me? A ballerina? Well it’s true. And I know how important ballet is for you because it used to be just as important for me.  I used to always have my head up in the clouds, imagining myself performing on stage with all the legends. But…I did do well at school too. I kept my grades up and managed ballet as well as work. You need to follow my example or you wont get anywhere in life! You really need to start focusing more on school Rosella! Do you understand?”

I nod sulkily and leave the class room. I knew she wouldn’t get me. I thought for just one moment, that she might understand my love for ballet. But no, she’s just Miss Bennett. Cold and misunderstanding, Miss Bennett. I scowl and go off to my first lesson.

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