Antopia At War

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The Legend of Vandor

In the beginning only one realm existed, the Chaos Realm. In this realm there existed only one being. Her name was Vandor. She created all realms of existence and she slept peacefully. Then she began to stir. She found she was unhappy with her creations and wanted to start over. Through the years heroes have tried to stop her, but all failed.


It is a dark and stormy night. The clouds are covering the sky and lightning is streaking through it causing false daylight in the castle. How am I supposed to focus when this storm is so loud? How rude of me. I should tell you my name. I am Arora Rose, Queen of Antopia. I am currently writing in the royal log where all of the previous Queens of Antopia have written. Now as I was saying, I don't know what to do. I could always visit the royal treasury where we keep the artifacts that Ransu has recovered. Ah Ransu, how I miss him but alas he is in the storm currently investigating some ancient ruins that have been recently uncovered. Wait! I think I hear Podely, Ransu's horse. I must end this entry here as Ransu has just arrived at the castle gates.

Arora had just finished this entry when Ransu entered the room looking tired and hurt. One look and she knew something had gone wrong.

"What happened?" Arora asked.

"We were attacked by a pack of Greavlins and we lost the captain of the guard." Ransu replied.

Arora shuddered. Greavlins were nasty creatures. They were like giant lizards. They were lightning fast and they attacked viciously with large groups.

"Well at least you're safe Ransu." She replied.

"Arora I think this was planned by some of Vandor's followers who think that she can still be awakened."

Arora gave Ransu a concerned look.

"On top of that we're supposed to have a peace treaty with the Inku but they attacked some of our soldiers in the Inku Forest last week." Ransu continued.

Arora inhaled sharply with shock,

"You didn't tell me that the Inku have broken the peace treaty!"

"Well they did and I think it may also have something to do with the Darkland Beasts that are starting to attack villages on the outskirts of Antopia."

"The Darkland Beasts are attacking again?"

"Yes and what's worse is Lirna is nowhere to be seen."

"Lirna is missing? This is a disaster. What do we do now?"

Suddenly the clouds grew darker and a red circle appeared in the sky.

"That's not a good sign." Ransu said.


The lightning turned blood red and the clouds began to turn in a circle as if forming a tornado. Lightning continued to strike the trees and hills and where ever the lightning hit, Darkland Beasts clawed to the surface of the earth.

The Darkland Beasts were six feet tall and had broad shoulders. Their skin was a dark shade of purple with black lines pulsating on their arms like veins. They had long arms with ten inch claws on each finger. Where their faces should have been were turning holes of pure darkness that absorbed every bit of light around them like water down a drain. They carried bulky clubs, bows, axes and other implements of war. They wore no armor but their skin was harder than steel and they were incredibly fast. On top of all that they brought out the worst fears you can possibly imagine.

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