part 9

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They silently walk,  not saying anything to one another, before they reach a small village. " well this is it" he says

Kaurvaki nod " thank you for your help"

" same here, and I'm  sorry for being rough on you " 

" it's fine, I guess it was my fault " she says leaning her weight on one foot

Ashok smile " it was mine "

They both we're looking for something  to say, just so they wouldn't leave. It was weird, they just met and yet,  their soul was calling for each other. This time it was Kaurvaki who turn to walk away, ashok watch her go before turning himself. Neither looking  back.

When ashok arrive home he saw vit outside. He ran to ashok while crying,  soon Dharma came down,  follow by Devi. They bombed him with question,  but ashok just ressures them that everything is fine now. " she did keep her word" vit smirk

" who...  vit?"

" karubaki, I helped her save the kids nirankush held captive"

" so that's why she was there" he thought, Devi was a little jealous " we had no words of you, or how to reach you, but you we're  with some girl."

" it wasn't like that Devi, she saved me,  and she became injured holding us back from going home" he reasons 

Devi pouts,  before sighing.  " don't be jealous devi-di, ashok love you a lot, besides she was in disguise,  so we couldn't see her face. She's  probably not as pretty as you " 

Devi smile before pinching vit cheeks, Dharma told them to come inside because tomorrow they will get married. Ashok was taken back, " we just confess not to long ago, why marriage now"

Dharma says " if you love someone so much wouldn't you want to be with that person, as much as you can. You can go to war at anytime,  and die. Regretting  the fact that you forgot to marry the girl you love. Would you like that ashok?" " does your soul cry to be with that person??" 

Ashok thought about it, he remember Kaurvaki, but he brush it aside. Then he remember when he watch the lady walk away. How his soul pang, and long to be with her. He look at Devi, and felt that pang, but it wasn't the same. " yes It does"

" good then sleep, tomorrow we will marry you to Devi" 

Ashok told himself to stop thinking about kaurvaki,  he says he hasn't seen her in years, she is his past and Devi is now his present. He stare at Devi while she and his mom talk about the ceremony. " yes,  she will be a good companion  for me"

Elsewhere, Kaurvaki is searching for her friend, when she nottice Bela asking people for her. She turn when she spotted Kaurvaki. " kaurvi!! " " your alive " 

" of course, why wouldn't I be?"

" that's good" Bel says before hugging her,  Kaurvaki told her she needs to change, Bel gave her the change of clothes before going somewhere private. While changing she wince, when she accidently twist her side. She stop when recalling ashok wrapping the sash around her.

Shaking her head,  she quickly puts the clothes on and walk out. They walk for a while before stopping to rest. It wasn't long before they saw a little girl and boy begging for money. Some guards taunt them and hit them. The boy defends his sister, by taking the hit. Some commoner whisper,  while others ignore while being afraid. Kaurvaki, got up and walk to the two, she bends down and pat the little girl. " the world can be very cruel  even to children, that's why you shouldn't cry. This is a life lesson, that will make you and your brother strong "

She took out some money and hand it to them, " use it and learn from it" she says before turning to leave. Bel smile at Kaurvaki, even though she looks mean, she is very nice.  Shes proud to be serving her, and walking beside her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2017 ⏰

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