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(my friend requested this for him and his crush)

kian pov

"Zzzzz"i didn't notice i slept when i got to my classroom"hey kian wake up,hey didn't you hear me?"i was buzzed of my sleep"of course i should have known"it was my best friend luna"sigh""you didn't hear didn't you?"he said concernly i gave him the what-is-up-with-you-acting-weird face""you really are clueless,we have anew student"i got up from my seat and asked"is she beautiful"he nodded and he said"you really fall inlove quickly"

~~~~~time skip 2 hours~~~~~~

luna pov

"he really falls inlove fast"i said,and then someone came in she was beautiful she had long hair up to her waist
"alright introduce youself""alright was all she said,i looked at the boys and had pink dusts on their cheeks,she spoke
"hello i am lhiyan lozada please take care of me"everyone covered their noses"go take a seat beside kian"teacher jervin said"i said this is gonna be a long day


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