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Antarctican Coast
Co-ordinates (06-14-24)
Arura Research station
Thursday 19th September
06:58 A.m.

Dear Division 1,

I have always dreamed of a perfect world, with perfect soilders to fight your wars and a perfect life to enjoy. Unfortunatly, my life isn't even close to being perfect.
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! "Shutup you stupid alarm! Your ruining my precious dreams!". I struggled to open my eyes. I couldn't bear another day of this dreadful place. It was so cold. The sun was always so bright and blinding. It was so difficult to survive. On the other hand though, the job I have been designated to is quite enjoyable. I thought about this as I forced myself to get up.
As I sat up in my bed my eyes felt heavy. My whole body ached, especially my bones. The cold has already got through to them. They felt heavy, as if they were lead. I looked around my small room and all I could see to the left was a wall. On the other side of the wall was another room. And to that rooms' left is another room and so on. To my right was a small table for an annoying alarm clock and a small glass for water. The door was in front of the small bed I lay upon and beside it was a wardrobe for my clothes (mainly my uniforms).
As I tried to stand up my feet gave way and I feel back unto my bed. I knew I had to get up, so with new determination, I tried again. I pushed my lead bones off my bed and I forced my legs to stand.
I was up! And I didn't fall this time. I walked the short distance to my wardrobe and slid open the door. Inside were two sets of uniforms and one pair of my spare clothes for odd special occasions. I slipped the uniform on and neatly folded my bedclothes onto my pillow. I then walked over to my door and prepared to open it. I rested my hand over the handle and pushed down.
The cold air hit my face like when you open a freezer. Bright LED's hung from the ceiling and went in a straight line all the way to the end of the corridor. Five rooms, me being at the front of the row, were lined on each side of the corridor. I closed the door behind me and began my painful walk to the frozen interlayer section. The research station itself was made up of four sections. The first, is the manager's office. This is were you would report if any important information has been uncovered. The only other time you are allowed here is if you are collecting your lunch at 1pm. The second section is the chemical lab. This is where anything that is found or created would be treated. The third section is the sleeping quarters. This is where you would spend seven hours a day: 10pm to 7am. Finally, the fourth section, is the frozen interlayer section. This is where we extract our evidence and carefully hold it until it is needed for further research. As I left the sleeping quaters I found myself at a junction. To my left was the corridor to the managers office. Ahead of me was the door to the chemical lab. To my right was were I needed to go. This corridor led to the frozen interlayer section, where I will be spending the rest of my day.

As I walked into the section I suddenly seen my workmates. I then rested my hand on the handle of the door I just walked through and closed it behind me. I looked up again and noticed they were both looking at me. Their names are Jonathan and Jessica. Unfortunatly, I am usually third wheeling, and yes, it does get quite awkward sometimes. How they met was quite peculiar. Jessica was a border coming from Eastern Europe. They met in university and have been together ever since. Jonathan is an excitable character. He likes to over-exaggerate things. For example, when we found an ancient animal in the ice (in the present it is known as an operal indicer) he completely freaked out. The animal did turn out to be harmful to human life so it was taken away to a safer research facility where it was continued to be studied. Jessica was about 15 yards in front of me. She sat in her chair facing me with her back to the actual interlayer monitors. Jonathan was standing beside the square hole in the ground where we would use the drill to send shockwaves through the ice to see if we can detect any undiscovered materials or chemicals. He was setting up the drill. I then said to them,"Morning Jonathan and Jessica!" Jonathan then replied by saying, "Hey, my guy! Come help me." Jessica then asked,"Why did I fall in love with this guy?? He is so weird." She then rolled her eyes and turned around to her monitors. I walked over to the large square hole in the ground. For some strange reason it seemed to intimidate me. I helped my friend with the drill while Jessica set up the monitors for the long day ahead.
We set the drill down on the three by three meter square hole. I was still feeling intimidated for some reason. I then decided to take a step closer to the ice. Jonathan then warned me by saying,"Dont get to close. You do realise it's dangerous, dont you??" I kept my eyes on the hole and sayed,"yea, yea of course." I then dared to put my foot foward yet another step. I was now on the ice. I thought my foot was on a strong foothold, but it wasn't. I then sliped and fell foward, onto the ice. My head was the first part of my body to come into contact with the ground. The next was my chest. The pain surged through my head and my hearing turned to a high pitched ringing in my ear. My vision was almost completely gone. The only thing I could see was a small red patch in the middle of my sight. As my vision slowly came back I tried to concentrate on it but only to discover failure. I could see the ice now but nothing too far away. I looked back down to the ice and as I did my head filled with pain again. There was still a glowing red patch in the ice. I looked up again and tried to concentrate on Jonathan. I heard someone talking. Maybe it was Jonathan. It didn't really matter as it was muffled out by the high pitched ringing in my ears. He repeated the same words and each time my hearing and vision came back even more. When I eventually could hear what he was asking, I just sayed,"yea," and suddenly forgot what he asked. I was confused why but still forced myself to get up otherwise. I then heard Jessica saying,"Ill get the first aid kit." I then found some what form of breath to speak and whispered,"No, no don't. We need to find out what that glowing red thing is in the ice." Then Jonathan asked,"What red thing in the ice?? I dont see anything!" I then pointed to it and sayed,"Its right there! How do you not see it??" What was this red glowing thing in the ice that only I could see and why couldn't the others see it?? Well I intend to find out.

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