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Hello! Here's a big fat author's note for those of you who love me enough to read it~

It is I, Nicole! Now before you go on reading this, I just wanted to apologise to the previous readers of my deleted book, Change. (The title is so good I didn't want to change it!) I felt as if I was forced to write it, and did not enjoy it at all. It was too immature and as I grow my writing grows with me! Please enjoy this knew and improved change.


As for new readers, thank you for taking your time to click and read this book! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I will enjoy writing it! Obviously any improvements or positive comments you feel are necessary to write, please do so! It is recommended, by me. :) I will warn you this is probably the most cliche book EVER! But I have had this plot planned out for a couple weeks! Fun stuff! 

Okay, I'll let you go now. Have fun reading and please. do. not. forget. to... Vote! :) It only takes like 1 second for each chapter(:

Love you much,


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2014 ⏰

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