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Jealousy Chapter 1

What's Wrong With Cynthia?

Kristen went into the school building on Tuesday morning. She bumped into Kyle, Cynthia, and Payton. "Hey, guys." Kristen greeted her friends, as she waved. She went beside Kyle. "How's it going?" she asked. "Great, actually." Kyle told her. Cynthia rolled her eyes. She doesn't like when Kristen and Kyle are together. "That's awesome." Kristen told him. Kyle winked. "Stop being so loving-doving." Cynthia grouched. "What's wrong with you, Cynthia?" Payton asked. "Nothing. I just don't like them when they're like that. It makes me sick." Cynthia told her, with a disgust face. "You've been acting like this, since I told you he's my boyfriend, is something bothering you?" Kristen asked. "It's nothing, okay." Cynthia grouched. She was getting annoyed by Kristen asking too many questions. "Jeez, you're acting like the Clever Cats." Kristen admitted. "Am not!" Cynthia insisted. "Well. . . ." Kristen began. "Look, don't say anything, I'm going to class." Cynthia interrupted. She stomped her way to class. "I might as well go to class as well, I don't want to be late, again." Payton told Kristen. She headed to class. "See you at lunch." Kristen called out. "Kay." Payton called back. Kristen left to go to class too. But she bumped into Sadie, Vivian, and Zuri. "Oh, look, it's Kristen." Zuri said in a snide tone. Sadie looked at Kristen's outfit and began to laugh. "Man, you look like you just came out of a unicorn's butt." she laughed. The girls began to laugh. Kristen frowned. She looked at her tie-dye shirt. Just then, Kyle came by Kristen. "What's going on?" he asked. Sadie, Vivian, and Zuri stopped laughing. They didn't say a word. "Leave my girlfriend alone. Go mess with someone else." Kyle defended Kristen. Sadie scowled. The girls flopped their hair and headed to class. "Thanks." Kristen told him. Kyle winked again. Kristen headed to class.

"Hi, guys." Kristen greeted her friends, as she reached her table. "Hey." Isadora replied. "Prom is in a few days, I can't wait!" Jennette squealed. "I know." Paris agreed. "The year is going by so fast." Linda admitted. Kristen was with Kyle. Cynthia rolled her eyes. Then, she got up. "Where are you going?" Payton asked. "Going to sit by myself." Cynthia explained. "What's going on with her?" Isadora asked. "I don't know. She's been acting like this since I had Kyle as my boyfriend." Kristen told her. "I think she's probably jealous." Paris told Kristen. Kristen shrugged. "Anywho, prom is on it's way." Linda said, changing the subject back. "I know." Paris agreed. "I can't wait." Jennette squealed. "Me neither. I'm going shopping with Payton and Cynthia this weekend." Kristen told them. "That's cool." Kyle told her. Kristen giggled, and blushed a little. "Ugh, you really need to stop, it's making me blind." Zuri said, sarcastically. Kristen rolled her eyes. "You're just going to have to handle it." she told her. "Whatever." Sadie grouched. They went to their next class.

"Hey Cynthia!" Kristen shouted. Cynthia turned from her locker. "What?" she asked, but not too nicely. "Do you want to come to a movie with me this afternoon?" Kristen asked. Cynthia looked at her for a minute. She smiled. "Sure." she replied with a grin. She was pleased that Kyle wasn't going. "Cool." Kristen cooed. Kyle came up to Kristen. "Oh Kyle, Cynthia said she can come to the movies with us today." Kristen added. "That's great." Kyle told her. Cynthia frowned. She wasn't happy, anymore, since Kyle was going. She just wanted her and Kristen to hand with each other. No boyfriend, no other friends. Just her and Kristen. That's all Cynthia's asking for. "Oh, yeah, I just remember, my mother wanted me to help her with the chores at home." Cynthia lied. "Oh, that's too bad." Kristen told her. Cynthia closed her locker and headed to the car line. Kristen went home afterwards.

To Be Continued. . .

Jealousy Chapter 2

Cynthia's Jealous

Kristen headed into the school building. She was texting and walking. She made a huge mistake by bumping right into one of the Clever Cats. And it was the nastiest Clever Cat. . . Carol. "Hey! What was that for?" she asked. "I'm sorry Carol." Kristen apologized. "Whatever, I bet you did that on purpose." Carol insisted. Kristen rolled her eyes. "No I didn't." she replied. Carol stared at her. She pushed Kristen against the wall. "Look, if you bump into me or my friends again, you are so dead, I mean. . . ." Carol began. Kyle tapped Carol on the shoulder. Carol turned around and swallowed. "Whatcha doin?" he asked. "Uh. . . telling Kristen how pretty she is." Carol lied. "Mmm, hmm." Kyle mumbled. He tapped his foot. Kristen was glad that Carol and the other Clever Cats were scared of Kyle, even though Sadie liked him so much, she was still scared. Kristen felt like that Kyle was her bodyguard. Carol looked scared. She darted the other direction. "Thanks." Kristen told him. "No problem." Kyle mentioned. Kristen headed to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2017 ⏰

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