Sane insanity

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Have you ever felt insane but knew truly that you weren't. That's what I always felt like until one night. One night I spoke with myself a form of myself that has been battling to get out for a while a truly sane me. See when I spoke to myself we'll refer to as him, he told me that I wasn't sane that I'm going crazy and I need to stop just end it he says. There are two people in my head every day neither is him but these two fight everyday one that says be nice help people talk to others you know are hurting. The other he well he's quite the opposite he says to do whatever I want he wants me to act like an asshole and just say fuck it. Can you guess which one is winning? Everyday I get more urges to do something insane for no apparent reason. But him sane me he's trying to stop it he tries to guide my hand holding the blade towards my wrist and the bad me he enjoys the pain the good me can do nothing to stop it but watch in horror. Crazy thing is out of these three I fear the good one the most.

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