Chapter One

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Wellis, New Corker

December 11, 20xx

A cloaked figure walked along the dark city, down rough alleys and past small trash fires. Rats and mice that were attacking each other for the scraps in random trash cans hissed and burrowed deep into the musty crap. As the figure kept walking, the cloak lit up with light blots, as it began to make it towards a small neighborhood with street lights. The figure continued walking until it made a quick turn left, behind an old abandoned school library. It held out it's human-like hands from under the cloak and gently put their palms against the door, and turned the door black. The figure seemed to dissolve into the door, and the door turned normal, not showing signs of any disturbance.

The figure took off their hood and began to look around the dark room, trying to find a source of light. After a few minutes, it found a flashlight hanging from a small hook. Convenient, it thought as it pushed the button, making a soft clicking sound. It was quiet. The figure continued looking around, until she heard something drop behind her. It wasn't loud, though it didn't sound light. The figure turned around slowly and pointed the flashlight at the thing that fell. She flashed it at the ground and saw a pair of sharp claws, then slowly moved up. A big, brooding, rat-like creature stood up and opened his mouth slowly, revealing two layers of fangs and a long tongue.

The figure smacked the lizard in the back of the head, flashing light on her face, revealing bright blue eyes, a pale, lightly freckled face, and short white curly hair. Her cloak was black with a white drawstring and button to keep it fastened around her to hide the rest of her body. She continued smacking the lizard on the head, shouting things at it.

"You made me feel like it was something important!" She hissed through clenched teeth. The rat merely yawned and put his rough paw on her face, covering it up, and pushing her away, as if she was nothing more than a rolling chair. Her face turned red and she continued to wave the flashlight frantically and then fell over, landing on her face. She stood up and shook her head.

"Many apologies, dear comrade. I am glad you're safe and you made it here in a timely manner. Now, let's talk about our current assignment. Here in this building is some important artifacts that need to be retrieved. Not sure why it's in an old elementary school, but hey.. Why not?" She said, sarcastically. The rodent smiled warmly at the teen and nodded.

"Ayane will not be missed, Sentere." He mumbled and she nodded, picking up the fallen flashlight and continued searching. The rat turned his own way and his footsteps got gradually quieter until no sound was heard. Sentere continued her search by an old bookshelf where old DvDs and CDs sat in a bin collecting dust. One case was engulfed in a black orb and shined on with light. 'Plastic Beach'? No. 'Vessels'? Nope. She continued looking until it was empty. She placed all the CDs back in alphabetical order and sighed, lightly content. Nothing like good organization to clear the head, she thought. She clapped her hands together to smack away all the dust, then reached her hand under her cloak, into a small bag around her hip and pulled out a wet wipe and some hand sanitizer and began working on getting rid of all the dust. After a thorough cleaning she put the items back in her bag and nodded, grabbing the flashlight again. She began searching alphabetically in all the books and other boxes of CDs, but she realized quickly that everything was alphabetized under author, not book or CD name, so that became useless quickly.

She sighed and continued looking for the disc, searching in unlocked drawers and unmarked book bins. She came to a locked drawer and dug her hand into her bag, pulling out a paper clip and a bobby pin. She put the paperclip in the hole, then inserted the bobby pin, jiggling it until the drawer clicked and slid open with mild ease. She put the tools back in her bag and held the flashlight at the drawer, illuminating the objects inside. The drawer contained an old pocket watch that was stuck on 1:26 Am, a clear CD case with scribbled writing, a mildly burned ancient photo of an older woman, and some loose change. Sentere put the first three items in her bag, zipping it up quietly, then knocked twice on the wood shelf, closing the drawer again, and hearing the click to signify it was locked. Within a minute, the rat was standing behind her, full-sized and began making his way to the front of the building, waiting for the person with the flashlight to guide him better.

"Well, that worked a lot better than I had planned, Bif. Now, let's return this stuff to the patron and collect our earnings," she said, a hint of relief in her voice, returning the flashlight to the hook she originally found it.

"And no one unexpected popped out at us this time.. It's almost like this mission had no purpose," he stated blandly. Sentere looked at Bif and narrowed her eyes. She made it to the door and pulled up her cloak over her face and pressed her palms against the door again, waiting for Bif to shrink down into rat form and hide in her bag until they were back in their headquarters. Bif made his way into the bag and Sentere illuminated the door in black, dissolving once again.

Sentere kicked her feet on the ground twice and lightly began to float off the ground. She kept flying up until she could see the whole neighborhood. She began to make her way through the clouds and past the whole country to the other side in about half an hour. She landed off the beach of Jump City, near Tundria and Coast City. She made her way into a vacant cave and ducked behind the narrow crevice between a light cascade and a rock wall. After a brief walk, she made it to a fork in the road. She chose a path and began walking through it. Her steps echoed against the dark, moist floors. The light from the water touching the surface illuminated the rocks beneath her feet and by her head, proving use to her current surroundings and the lack of sunlight.

A few short minutes later, and she was at a large staircase that seemed to go up forever. Sentere began her way up the stairs, and around the tenth row, she saw a door opening covered in decade-old moss and algae. She made her way into the opening, lightly pushing the moss away, trying not to disturb it. As she made her way deeper into the cave, the light faded and it was completely dark for a few moments. The only sounds she could hear was the sound of wet cave and her own heart beating out of her chest. A faint glow emerged from the darkness and Sentere sighed faintly, then tapped her toe twice on the ground, then began flying through the tunnel, the light coming closer and more larger. She eventually made her way to the end.

A soft artificial sunspot glistened off a large pond, a gentle waterfall flowing over, hitting the rocks down below. Flowers and potted plants of every kind were aligned in rows up to the ceiling, hardened mud was fashioned to act as stairs. A short, old woman walked around each plant, stopping to water the leaves. Sentere slowly walked in, then Bif hopped out, turning to his normal state. The light made his rat-like features more visible. He had a scar over his right eye, under the makeshift eye patch made of leather and duct tape. He wore ripped denim pants and an old leather vest covered in old buttons, patches, and black ribbons. Sentere took off her hood, white curls pouring out of every angle. Her glassy blue eyes scanned the area again, and saw the old woman watering some orchids.

Sentere walked up to the woman, reaching into her bag and pulling out the objects. She handed the woman her items and nodded. The old woman smiled, closing her eyes and placing her hand on Sentere's. Then, she turned into dust. A tear fell from Sentere's cheek and plopped onto the mud.



Hello! I usually don't do Author's notes.. But I'm glad you decided to read this. I had this idea in my head for a while.. I have a lot of hidden jokes and Easter Eggs from random shows and games. This is a Teen Titans fanfiction, which means that it is not canon (fiction), and I wrote most (if not all) by myself . It will be all over the place until the last chapter, that's how some of my fanfictions are, but it all works out in the end.

If you have questions or comments, feel free to message them to me or something. I will read all of them, and answer as many as I can in the form of an A/N. This will be a romance story, and the first few chapters are Sentere's backstory.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2017 ⏰

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