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I think I love you he whispered to Sarah her eyes got wide a heavy blush spread across her face I think I love you too Ben ❤ Sarah whispered back he sat up quickly REALLY!?!?! Shhh she giggled we don't wanna wake anyone but  yes Ben Sarah giggled he blushed and kissed her omg you just made me the happiest man alive she smiled they layed down and cuddled whispering sweet nothings to each other.
Time skip
Guys me and Sarah are dating so back off fellas Ben announced while you blushed madly oh and slendy that extra room won't be needed😉 Ben yelled which made you blush harder he chuckled at your reaction you guys spent the whole day together you were finaly happy for the first time in a while so was Ben.
Jeff's pov
I'm gonna steal Sarah from ben yeah i know seems childish but i have never liked ben and would do anything to destroy him my plan will start tomarrow morning i will get sarah with my looks and charms

Well looks like Jeff is an asswhole lol hope you enjoy the  chapter yea i know it's pretty short A long with all the other chapters but this is just a little something I write when I'm bored be sure to  comment and vote check out my other story!!!!

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