Act 1 Scene 1
Camera sweeps into a smoke filled dark room. Two people, a man and woman, with dark hair are huddled close together looking down at a child (around 1) sitting and playing obliviously on the floor. The woman is dressed in dark red flowing clothes and the man is all in black. There are crime scene photographs covering the wall in place of paintings and all the mirrors and glass in the room is broken. Both adults talk MOS to each other for a minute, both look angry.
"Look at what you have done Jezebeth! This is your fault! Your infidelity has created this!"
Hear a rumbling sound in the background.
"Don’t get angry at me! I’m a demon, infidelity is to be expected! Not like your any better. Besides you’re never home Aeshma Demonio! You’re always off killing people at all hours of the night! How was I supposed to compete with that!"
"Like I’m the only one gone every other day! We both know you created those last two serial killers! But you! How could you! I’d understand infidelity but infidelity with a… a... ANGEL! How could you! Have you no shame?"
"It’s not like I knew he was an angel. He tricked me! But rest easy he will pay for this."
The words are said calmly with a sly smile
"That may be but we are still stuck with the child. How can we raise her? What will become of a half angel half demon? She’s not my child! What will become of her? Her demon powers were suppose to have manifested already! Ira Satana Demonio was supposed to be one of the strongest demons around. How could she not have been? She would have been born from two powerful demons of wrath! For god sakes we planned so much already we even named her after the powers she was to one day inherit!"
He gestured wildly to the child playing at their feet.
"Oh calm yourself, you liked the child well enough before and you’ll like her just fine now. We knew she was different when she had golden hair. Angel powers don’t manifest until a year after Demon powers do, we will see what becomes of Ira and teach her like a Demon, worse comes to worse we teach a child with angel powers how to be evil. What could be more powerful than that? What could be more crippling to an angel? No this is a gift and we shall treat it as such. We have been given a secret weapon. Now sit tight as I make that angel of wild animals, Hayyel Angelise, pay. I’ll be right back."
Her eyes start to glow as she leaves the room and the camera dissolves
Ira Satana Humana
ContoThis is a screen play about a girl trying to find where she belongs and having to get lost before she can find her home.