Happy Birthday!! [ Mutsuki ]

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Sorry for not updating Ive got tests....
Sorry if this is a shorter story...
This is a special chapter~
Please enjoy!!


Hoshi: *yawns* Arghh... Gosh, I've gotta go to school...

At school.....

Hoshi: *yawns and doesn't see Tasuku*
Tasuku: Hoshi!
Hoshi: H-huh???!
Tasuku: Did I scare you?
Hoshi: N-no... Anyway, did you plan anything for her?
Tasuku: What? I thought we-
Hoshi: *covers Tasuku's mouth* H-hey, Tsukki!
Mutsuki: Hoshi, Tasuku!
Hoshi: Later... We have a gathering at my place with the others. Wanna come?
Mutsuki: Well, actually... I have plans...
Hoshi: *smirks* There's Kiri~
Mutsuki: Uwah-Okay, okay! I'll go!
Tasuku: K-Kiri? Why would you agree to come if there's Kiri? Isn't everyone else also fine?
Hoshi: Actually Tasukunnya, she likes-
Mutsuki: Nobody!!! *shuts Hoshi's mouth*

After school...

Hoshi: Let's walk home together, Mutsuki!
Mutsuki: H-home?
Hoshi: Well, my house obviously! *grins*
Mutsuki: I forgot...

They walked slowly (yes, very slowly) back to Hoshi's house.

Hoshi: *heaves a sigh of relief* You can go first. *unlocks door*
Mutsuki: Mhm, 'kay. *opens door*

Everyone (including Hoshi)(but Mutsuki): SURPRISE!!!

Mutsuki: *starts anime crying* Guys... I didn't expect you guys to remember...
Tasuku: It was purely Hoshi's idea.
Everyone (but Hoshi and Mutsuki): Yup.
Hoshi: Ahaha... Well... You can say it's my idea... But, it wouldn't have worked without the rest of you!
Mutsuki: Thanks, Hoshi, everyone!

And they had a great birthday celebration....

The end....


Today's my sister's birthday so please send her some love❤❤❤

Happy birthday, Mutsuki38nya!!!

Have a great day ahead!!

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