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I bet everyone knows this but does everyone care how they drive? Well I can answer that for you! NO! Some people joke about car accidents and others think it's ok for to get drunk and then get behind the wheel of a car. I ask myself sometimes, "How many people would be alive today if others were smarter about their driving skills?" I'm pretty sure my real mom would probably still be alive today. I can also understand that some don't or aren't intentional. Such as snowstorms. When snow melts, and the next day it is cold the cold will make the melted snow will ice over. Making the roads slick. So yes some accidents aren't intentional. But some won't see that their actions can cost others their life.

Another way lives are taken is by others choices to call or text while driving. When texting on your phone you can drive as far/ long as a football field. Which can be very dangerous. Especially if you are on the highway or even on a dirt road. Whenever you think, "I've got to look at my phone," think about this, "Is looking at my phone more important than a life that I might take away for this action of mine."

Another example, "Someone I know looks and texts on their phone on our dirt roads. While they are doing this they are either driving to the middle of the road or to the ditch. I yell their name and when they look up, they correct themselves. Oh and did I mention the simi drivers don't pay attention either or care to move either way. Well they don't. It scares me a lot when either of these things are happening because i'm afraid that I might get into a serious car wreck.

I lost my real mom when I was four days old, and I learned that in 2001 my mom graduated. She had me in 2001, and four days after i was born she died the this car wreck. I probably know what you are saying right now. WOW! You have been through a lot. But i don't want everyone's sympathy, no I don't. A lot of people are saying it's a miracle that i'm alive! During that car wreck my mom and I flew out of the car. It took a state trooper 2 hours to my mom and I. My mom was found dead at 18 years old and I was found unconscious at 4 days old. But like I said before I don't want anyones sympathy. I don't want to be felt bad for. All I want to do is get my story through to people that don't think its important when others do this means anything will i think if you guys think about this my way it just might cost someone their life or even yours. That every choice you make could affect someone else's life. So when you decide that you want to use your phone think will i get hurt or hurt someone else in doing this act cause the next life could be an infant's life.

Think About it. Will you make a change?

By Kayce Perry

Please Help the world make a difference in the world. Some need it more than you think for example i lost my mom to a car wreck when i was 4 days old. I don't want anyone's sympathy.  I just want to make a change and this is how i'm starting!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2017 ⏰

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