the man with the red cape

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man of the wind

man of foreign country

man of strength, man   of charisma.

you swept away the dust that was building on my corpse

you took care of people

like memorabilia at an antique store,

what if i am filed into your store of old news?

comfort brings misery like grief brings depression.

comfort brings madness and fastidious obsession.

getting a grip on your heart is like cutting a knife deep into my veins.

it is painful.

it is uncontrollable.

it is stinging, heart-wrenching pain that visits me every week.

melting like a candle in the middle of the night,

i don't want the light to go away.

the burning of your candlestick makes me heavy with feeling, numbing like a body anxious
to collapse underneath a bloody cape.

you left the red cape on my doorstep.

the cape brings memories of old.

the cape is an epitome of grief.

grief is wearisome.

grief is forgetting everything that makes you happy.

grief places you in a deep breath of shuddering numbness.

grief is losing light in a dark gloomy world.

thank you for leaving your red cape.

one day i'll wear it

and i'll embody your passion

which is of love.

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