Silence. (Cry x Reader)

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Hey, its Madworld here, I got bored so I decided 'Hey why not make a Cry x reader story thingy?' So yeah, here we are, hope you enjoy!!! Oh yeah, Cry's 19 in this so yup. ~Mad world

-Your POV- 8:45 am

Beep, beep, beep, beep. You rolled over onto your right side and slapped your hand on the top of your alarm clock and sighed, throwing your (Favorite color) pillow onto your face and groaned. You sat up and stretched, letting out an exaggerated yawn. "Man i'm tired...." You muttered under your breath. "Time to get up!" Your mother called from downstairs, sounding slightly annoyed, as it was the weekend and she set your alarm for whatever reason. "Coming!!" You shouted back, sounding just as annoyed and slightly raspy for some odd reason. You turned and swung your covers off of your body, revealing your (Favorite color) tanktop and (Second favorite color) pajama pants. You turned to the left, where there was a floor instead of a nightstand and stood up, and walked over to your door.

  You put your hand on the icey cold door knob and twisted it, pulling on the door causing it to open. Before walking out of the room you looked at the mirror which was across for the door, seeing your messy (H/C) hair. You sighed and ignored it since your mother needed you for some reason and she was slightly impatient. You carefully stepped out of your room and turned the corner, walking down a slightly long hallway until you reached the wooden stairs. Before you took a step down you looked to the left and saw the plain white door that used to belong to your younger (Bro/sis your choice), and spaced out, salty tears filled your (E/C) eyes. 

What seemed like a few hours later your mother called your name again. " (Y/N) Are you alright?" She called from downstairs, causing you to snap out of your daze. As you turned away from the door, your  (h/l) (h/c) hair moved with you, brushing up against your (s/c) face. "Yeah mom, i'm coming." You said in response as you walked down the steps in a rush.

Once you had gotten down the white carpeted stairs and into your living room, you turned to see your mother, and a man, who looked to be around your age standing next to her. You wiped you eyes, and blinked, you and your mother hadnt had guests over in a long time. "Who's this?" You said a bit rudely and pointed to the man. Your mom made a face that practically screamed, 'Be more kind to the guest or you're grounded.' "This is Cry. He just moved into the neighborhood, and came by the get to know his neighbors." Your mother, who had the same hair color as you, but her eyes were an aqua blue, much like the Caribbean, spoke in a much nicer tone. "Introduce yourself (Y/N)." You nodded and walked over to the man, holding out a fist. "Sup? The name's (Y/N)" You said, sounding confident. The man smiled, but it was barely visible due to the poker faced mask that covered his pale face. "Nice to meet you, I'm Cry." He spoke, and bro-fisted you. He had short, oak brown hair, and pale skin. He wore a dark blue hoodie, and black jeans, along with a pair of converses.

You smiled and sat down on the couch, and patted the spot next to you so Cry could sit down. You mother walked out of the room and grabbed her car keys. "I'm going to the store, dont do anything reckless, and no parties." She yelled as she walked out the door. Just as your mother left, Cry sat down next to you and chuckled. "So, Cry, How old are you?" You asked, poking his shoulder. He looked at you, and replied with a very short answer. "19, you?" You nodded and coughed into your arm. "I'm 19 as well." You replied, still coughing. Cry tilted his head. "You alright (Y/N)?" He asked, concern filled his voice. You nodded, and stopped coughing. "Yeah, i'm alright." You chuckled and looked at the ceiling. The male sitting next to you, looked over at the digital clock that sat on the coffee table, it read 9:00. "I'm hungry...." He mumbled, and you looked over at him, a goofy smile on your face. "Pancakes?" You simply stated, and he nodded. You walked into the kitchen to prepare some pancakes for you, and your new neighbor.

-Time skip.-

As you finished making the pancakes, you grabbed two glass plates out of the cabinet and put three pancakes on each plate, along with a fork. Once you had done that, you grabbed the syrup and walked into the living room, holding the plates, along with the syrup since, being yourself you didnt want to make two trips. You handed Cry his plate and smiled, sitting down next to him. "Want some syrup?" You said, pouring some syup onto your pancakes. He nodded, and you handed him th bottle  syrup. He poured some of the thick liquid onto his pancakes and set the bottle on the coffee table. "Thank you." He said, and began eating the food you had prepared.

As you two were eating, you kept wondering why Cry wore his mask, but you decided not to question it, so that you didnt upset your new neighbor.

Once the two of you had finished your pancakes, you took the plates, and syrup, and put them where they needed to go. "Thank you (Y/N), I have to head home now though." Your guest said, smiling underneaththe porcelain mask that covered most of his features. You nodded and hugged Cry. "Bye, friend." You said, letting go of the man. You smiled and showed him to the door, and as he walked home, you waved. Once he was out the door you closed it and headed back up to your room.

Hiya friends! Sorry bout being so inactive lately, i've been busy, but it's summer time now so yup. I'm working on a chapter for my other story too so check up on that eventually. Anyway, that's all the time i have so, i hope you enjoyed, and leave your opinion in the comments! ~ MadWorld

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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