45th Chapter

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"Lennie," he said from across the table. 

"Y-yes ?" I said, my voice barely coming out.

"You know I love you, right ?" He said with a seductive  look.

"Y-yes." I lie. This is anything but love.

"Good." He chewed his steak. "Because I really do."

"Of course," I said staring blankly at my plate.

"Say it back ?" He asks, after swallowing a small bit of steak.

"I-I.." I stammer.

"Say it." He sternly demands. 

"I love you too," I felt every bone in my body cringe as the last word escapes my mouth. "When are we going back home ?"

"Whenever I want. Why ? Are you not enjoying yourself ?" He reaches for my hand.

I pretend I didn't see his hand and push a couple strands of hair behind my ear. "N-no, I am. B-but I miss Lo-I-i mean everyone back in Pasadena."

"What were you about to say ?" He says, obviously getting angry.


"No, What were you about to say ?" He says banging his fists onto the table. "And Do not lie to me again."

"Louis," I admit looking down.

"Darling, It really hurts my feelings when you bring up his name."

"He's a nice person. Why don't you see that, Liam ?" I say looking up at his brown eyes.

"He betrayed me." He scoffs.

"How did he betray you, if you stole his girlfriend, literally, and won't return any of his phone calls ?" I tilt my head.

"Because he knew I liked you long before he even thought of a thing with you."

"But Liam, you cant get mad at him when I'm the one who wanted him back, and actually made the first move in the relationship."

"Enough." He says getting up. "The moods ruined."

"L-Liam, I'm sorry that you like me," I hesitate on the next couple of works. "But I don't l-love you."

Liam pulls my arm, gripping it tightly until we reach his car. He opens the door and practically throws me in. "Don't ever embarrass me like that again." He gets in the car and shuts his door.

"Nobody was listening to us. And if they were it's cause you thought it'd be best if you bang on the table, to get across the point that we have something- which we don't and never will." I say, surprising myself with a sudden boost of confidence.

Liam took me about 3 months ago. He took my phone and smashed it so I wouldn't be able to contact my boyfriend, Louis. He wants me to forget about our past life and move on with him.


- - -

"Hurry up." Liam rushes me. "You don't have much to pack anyway."

"Thank you Liam." I say, as I shove what little clothes I have in my duffle bag. He decided that he'd had enough of me pushing his feelings aside for Louis'.

"Whatever. Just hurry up."

After I finished packing, we left the little studio and got on our way to Pasadena. Or so I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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