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‘Come on mummy, let’s go!’ The boy whined and pulled at her fingers in his chubby fists.

‘I’m coming honey.’ The mother dropped down to a crouch. ‘Gem, it’s time to go.’

A little girl emerged from the shadows of the house, her face tear stained and blotchy. She shook her head. The mother embraced her and murmured into her ear. The girl nodded dutifully and cautiously took the mother’s hand. The childish little boy eagerly grabbed onto her other hand and dragged them out the dusty door. The girl looked back to see the door lock behind them.

‘Goodbye house.’ She whispered.

The family walked down the empty street to the celebration, the boy with eagerness, the mother with a blank expression and the little girl with a deep seated fear settled in her heart. They passed streets and cars and houses until they finally paused in front of a large grey building. Led by the boy, they entered. The father was already here. A large counter swallowed half of the virtually empty room. The mother and the girl approached the counter with apprehension, but the boy ran ahead and rang the hand bell.

‘We’re here for the celebration!’ he announced proudly.

‘I’m sure you are,’ said the bemused young woman behind the counter, then addressing the mother, ‘He yours?’

The mother sighed and nodded. ‘Yes.’

‘He’s sure a sweet little one, and I won’t keep you from your celebration.’ She stood and pointed down the glowing hallway to the right. ‘It’s down that way, your first left and then keep going until you reach the celebration. You’re a little late but if you jog you’ll be able to make it on time.’ She smiled kindly at them as they began to walk.

The little girl began to panic on the left turn, her breath and heart speeding faster and faster. The mother murmured in her ear words of comfort but the closer they got to the celebration the more she panicked and flailed. She began to scream as they entered the celebration room, a large white room decorated with banners and spilling with people. Those closest to her seemed to shift away and began to murmur.

A man in a red uniform asked the mother to stop the girl. The mother reached for the girl and restrained her. She whispered in her ear one last time and the girl’s body went slack. She wrapped her arms around the mother.

‘I’m sorry everyone, please excuse my daughters’ excitement.’ The mother was truly nervous, but determined not to let it show. The officials accepted her statement and fell back into their positions lining the walls. There were too many. Too many for a party, for just a party. The girl looked up at the ceiling the moment it started. The snow. It fell from the ceiling, only it was black, like charcoal. She saw the snow hit the boy and watched him fall, she called out to him. But then she watched the rest fall. And felt herself come tumbling after.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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