Chapter 1

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Hi :) This first chapter is really awful and short but I promise it will get better so keep hanging on! xx

"And Louis?" My mom's sharp voice cut through the phone.

"What, Mom?" I asked, growing impatient. 

"You should pick up some flowers for them, and wear something nice!"

"Okay, calm down, everything will be great. See ya later." and I hung up.

I sighed and threw my head back against the pillow. My mom had found yet another boyfriend and it had gotten to the stage where I had to become involved and meet the family. I wasn't the perfect child, you could say. I was 23 years old, had dropped out of college two years ago, had my own apartment and was covered in tattoos. And yet here I was trying to please my mom. Everybody else kind of stayed away from me and I was used to keeping to myself. My mom was the one person who I could have a real conversation with, without any judging. I looked at my watch. Shit. 5:30. I had to be there in an hour and I still had to go buy something to wear and get some flowers. 

I walked out of my apartment building and hopped onto my motorcycle parked in my spot. I couldn't believe I was actually going to buy a suit.

I drove to the flower shop a couple of miles away, parked the motorcycle outside and walked in. The little bell on the top of the door jingled and a tall boy with bright green eyes and curly hair looked up. He was wearing a navy shirt with a peace sign in the middle. He wore ripped jeans and had his long hair swept up into a bandana. He  seemed a little taken aback my tattoos and the fact that I was in a flower shop. A couple seconds later he smiled and walked toward the counter. 

"Anything I can help you with, sir?" his voice was deep and gravelly. 

I cleared my throat, "Um, I'm looking for some flowers," 

He stifled a laugh and looked at me for a minute and then said, "No shit. You're in a flower shop, love," 

"Right. Sorry I'm just not very good at... this sort of thing," I offered a half smile. He smirked back.

"Well, what do you need the flowers for?" 

"I'm meeting my mom's new boyfriend and I have to impress them and-"

He laughed, "Chill out, mate. I'll help you. You're going to want to go with just some simple roses. The thorns are still on them though so be careful," he picked out a bouquet of red roses and handed them to me. I grabbed them and let out a high-pitched yelp as a thorn sliced the top of my finger. Fucking shit, I'm so stupid.  

The guy smirked and walked back behind the counter and started digging through a drawer. 

"So my name's Harry," he said, trying to make conversation. 

"Louis," I mumbled, embarrassed. Harry dug around in the drawer for a little while and then finally dug out a band-aid. I wiped my finger on my shirt and shook my head as he offered it to me. God, he must think I was a total freak.

"Nice to meet you, Louis," he grabbed the roses I was holding and brought them back to the check up counter. 

"Um, nice to meet you too," I tried. I wasn't very good at this kind of thing. He wrapped up the flowers. 

"$5.30 is your total," he said, and then added, "Do you need anything else?"

I checked my watch. Shit. I was running late and I still had to get a suit and drive over to the restaurant. I  had no idea where I was going to find a suit this quickly. I cleared my throat.

"Do you have any idea where I could rent or borrow a suit in the next-" I paused, looking at my watch again, "15 minutes?"

Harry chuckled, "Jesus, someone's unorganized,"

"Hey, this is my first time, so take it easy on me!" I joked. He just raised his eyebrows and flashed me a grin. 

"As a matter of fact, I do know someone who would be more than happy to lend a suit to you, for free,"



"Well, I'm not sure if- I mean, I can just- I'll get one somewhere I don't want to..."

"Oh my god, calm down, it's no big deal. I'd be happy to lend it to you. It might be a bit big but it'll work,"

I decided not to fight it and so I simply nodded. I scolded myself inside my head. Goddammit, Louis! You've managed to embarrass yourself and borrow a tuxedo off of a total stranger all in the span of under 10 minutes.

Harry interrupted my thoughts, "Here we go!"

I raised my eyebrows, "So you just have spare suits lying around the flower shop?"

"This is my house, smartypants. I live in the basement."

He flashed me a goofy smile which I ignored as I reached towards the suit. He handed it to me and told me that I could go change in the bathroom on the left. 

Once I had locked and shut the door, I took the suit in my hands and tried to figure out how to get it on. I figured how to get it all on but I could not, for the life of me, figure out how to button the shirt and tie the tie. My face turned red as I realized I would probably have to ask Harry for help. I was trying as hard as I could to be friendly, but the more I talked to him, the more annoying he became.

"Um, Harry?" I called out, face stil red. I heard footsteps coming towards the door and soon Harry popped his head in. He mock whistled and licked his lips. I rolled my eyes for probably the tenth time in the past five minutes. 

"I- need help,"

"Have you honestly never worn a suit before?"

"Oh, would you fuck off?"

He smirked at me as he reached towards my torso.

"Nice tattoos,"

"Thanks," I mumbled. The sooner I could get to the dinner the better.

"So, this is my only suit and I'm going to need it back before Wednesday, okay? That's two days."

"I'll bring it back, don't worry," I recited.

"I don't trust you," he joked.

"You really think that I'm such a loser that I would steal a suit?"

He ignored me and finished tying the tie, then walked back out to the main room where he grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. He scrawled something onto it and then tucked it in my pocket. 

"I know how family dinners can go so good luck." he smiled. I chuckled. 

"Thanks, man." I forced myself to smile back.

I walked out the door, the little bell jingling behind me. 

When I got back to my motorcycle, I remembered the little paper he had put into my pocket. I pulled it out and read it:

Harry Styles


His writing was messy and I could just make out the number. I sighed and shoved it back into my pocket. There was something about that place that scared me, just a little. At least I was out of there for today. I groaned and tilted my head up, letting the sun shine onto my face and my tattooed arms. I grabbed my helmet and climbed on, now all I had to do was meet this douche that was so into my mom.

Hi guys! Things will get a lot more interesting so just you wait.  :) Anyway, comment, read, vote, whatever. Feel free to follow me on twitter: @narryinghemmo. I follow all fan accounts back, 100%. Anyway hope you liked it!

x Soph x

PS. Please do not copy any of this, because I work hard on it! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2015 ⏰

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