Chapter 1 - When it rains, it pours.

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I walked quickly down the block towards my house with my sister in tow. It was cold as fuck outside and I couldn't wait to get in the house. The usual d-boys was lurking outside including my neighbor Ike. But the guy I seen him chillin with wasn't a guy I had seen before. I definitely would have remembered him. He had to be the most gorgeous man I had ever laid eyes on. He was tall, with smooth chocolate skin and a low cut with deep waves. The mean mug he had was sexy as fuck too. But if we're being honest, this guy was completely out of my league. He was made for the God's. Its not like I would have the balls to speak to him anyway. I tend to be pretty shy around men. I had never had a male figure in my life and most of the men my mother delt with were evil enough to have you believe you were looking at the devil. He looked my way and we both locked eyes. I noticed the expression on his face lighten a little as he absentmindedly licked his lips. I looked away quickly not trying to look thirsty or embarrass myself with how hard I was blushing.
I walked up the sidewalk to our house. It was nothing special. It was a worn down two story home. With old dusty windows and worn siding. Something my mom was able to afford with a government check. As I walked up the steps I noticed a pad lock on the door and a big pink eviction notice tapped to it. "What. The. Actual. Fuck?" My sister Faith whined walking up behind me. "Mom didn't pay the rent again!" She groaned, stating the obvious.
"Call her." I instructed Faith with an attitude. She pulled the cell phone we shared out of her pocket and dialed the number. I could see the frustration build in her eyes the longer it rang... "No answer and her voice mail is full." Faith stated with concern lacing her voice. She moved the phone from her ear, stuffing it back into her coat pocket as she looked at her surroundings.
My mother hadn't been home in two days but that was a regular occurrence around here. Sometimes she was gone for a day, sometimes a week. But so far she had always come back... Eventually.

We sat on the stoop without saying another word. A few hours passed and it was starting to get darker outside. We were both freezing and huddled together. My sister was never the tough type, I was only a year older but I was always the one to take charge. It was the end of November in Paterson, New Jersey. I knew we couldn't stay out here all night. It was already 20 degrees and dropping by the minute. "Give me the phone." I ordered her. She removed the phone from her pocket and placed it in my hand. I unlocked it and pressed the contact for Faith's boyfriend Chino. His family really liked her and I knew they would take her in, at least until I could find my mom and figure this out. "Hey bae." Chino said picking up on the second ring. "Hey Chino, actually it's Trinity." I informed him. "everything okay?" He asked concerned. "Actually not so good. We're locked out of the house and my mom won't be home tonight. Do you think your parents will let Faith stay the night?" I asked." "Yeah it's no problem. They're actually out of town for a few days. What about you?" he asked. "I'm actually going to stay with a friend." I lied. "Aight cool. So you coming now? he asked." " yeah, be there in a few."

☝🏼Faith☝🏼I walked Faith the 4 blocks to Chino house and waited for him to open the door and take her inside

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I walked Faith the 4 blocks to Chino house and waited for him to open the door and take her inside.
I then started to walk back towards our house. As I was speed walking down the street I spotted the chocolate God on the corner with Ike and his brother Jarrell. It was getting late and I knew if I didn't get inside soon, I'd end up finding nothing but trouble out here. When they wernt looking, I ran through the alley to the back of the house and hopped the fence to get into the back yard. I searched until I found a unlocked window and crept inside.
I quickly went upstairs and into our bedroom where everything was exactly the way we had left it that morning. They hadn't cleaned anything out yet thankfully. I took my shoes off, changed into some sweat pants and a Tshirt and got in the bed under my two blankets. I didn't want Niko in here because I didn't know if it was safe. I didn't even feel like I should be here. If someone thought it was abandoned they might try to break in, I didn't want to be in a situation where I couldn't protect her. Like I said... She ain't cut out for this. I was so scared and had no idea what the future held for us.

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