Such a Gentlemen

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I let out a long drawn out sigh as I stepped out of the taxi. This was all so strange. Why did Mark decide to invite everyone back here after all these years? I tried my best to replace my obvious confusion with joy as Mark's butler, Benjamin, extended his gloved hand to me. "Right this way, madam." He said, leading me down a stone path that lead to a flight of concrete stairs. Mark lived in a huge mansion that almost resembled a castle. It looked like something right out of a story book. Benjamin would probably be the only one at the party that I hadn't known since I was a young child. That reminded me. Why? Why tonight? Why ever again? The sound of Benjamin's thick British accented voice broke my train of thought. "Here you are. The mayor should be in the living area. I'm sure he will be ecstatic to see you again." He informed me, turning to the kitchen to get a platter of drinks... I hoped. The good lord knows we're going to need them. I was hesitant. I had known Damien would be there, but I wasn't sure if I was ready to actually see him again. Oh well. I adjusted the formal clothing I was wearing before sliding the door open with a pathetic creak. I shuffled my way into the next room. There he was. Damien. My childhood best friend.

"Oh! Hello again, Y/N! Long time no see

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"Oh! Hello again, Y/N! Long time no see." He said excitedly. I took the time to admire how the light that shone through the window exaggerated his beautiful features. He was wearing an expensive looking black suit with a white bow tie, and he looked good in it. Almost too good. I should have known that Damien would never change. He was always dressing to impress. It was good to see that he was still the same lively soul as he was back when we were kids. "Hello Damien." I said extending my hand to him. He took it, and we shook hands politely. Such a gentlemen.

We spent the next couple of hours having a nice conversation with the other guests. Abe, the detective, and William, the colonel, had taken a seat across the room from us on another sofa. It never dawned on me how much I missed my friends until that night. Especially him. My eyes began to well up with tears, causing me to turn away quickly and cover my face with my hands. Damien placed a loving hand on my shoulder. "Hey now, there's no need for that." He soothed, rubbing small circles into my back with his thumb. "I missed you too." I blushed, almost jumping into his wide arms for a hug, which he gladly accepted. Just then, Mark strolled down a set of fancy carpeted stairs in a red silk robe. Everyone turned, clapping. "Welcome, welcome, one and all! It's so nice to be surrounded by such close and trusted friends. But on this wonderful evening it's not about the poker, it's not about me..... it's about you. So drink up and be merry! Life is for the living, and who knows! I could be dead tomorrow!" He boomed followed by a burst of laughter. I smiled as Benjamin handed me a glass of champagne. I soon noticed that Damien had taken not one, but two glasses. Much to the confusion of the butler. He had always loved a good drink or two... or three... or four. If we were lucky the usually formal man would get drunk and show his "wild side". I giggled, taking a swig. What could go wrong!

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